Help: I will be buying a tuner today!

Posted by: Jaybar on 01 April 2001

1) Space on rack is very very limited. Has anyone heard the Linn Pekin tuner which would fit in bteter space wise and connect to my Spectral pre-amp with ordinary IC's?

2) If you have heard both the Linn Tuner and the nato5, how do the two compare?

3) If the nat is significantly better,can the nat05 be on top of or directly below my CD 5 (stacked)?

Posted on: 01 April 2001 by Jaybar
Jphathen the answer to you is Yes. I asked before and only got 1 respondent. I am hoping that someone has directly compared the Linn Pekin with the Nat05. There is a big cost difference in the US (about $500 with the cable) so it would be nice if someone has done a direct comparison
