ARO and AROMatic

Posted by: Chris L on 08 March 2002

Just got my brand-spanking-new ARO setup after getting it fitted by Phonography.

"WOW!" is pretty much all I can say. It is going to take sometime before I'm fully comfortable with the cuing, though!

Quick request; I'm not that interested in getting an AROMatic (or wherever the caps go), but I'm intrigued by it: does anyone have some digital images that show an AROMatic? As I say, I'm just rather curious to see one, as I can't imagine it.

Ahhh, music beckons......

Chris L

P.S. Thanks to Naim for this, and all the other, stunning kit!

Posted on: 08 March 2002 by Steve B
Sorry can't help with the picture. I'm sure I've seen one on the forum though. Might be worth doing a search.

The ARO will probably be my next purchase after the CD player. May I ask what did you upgrade from and what cartridge are you using?

Steve B

Posted on: 08 March 2002 by Chris L
Well, I'm using a Sumiko BPS.

Now, before anyone starts telling me that it won't do justice to the LP12/ARO combo, I'm aware of that. The fact is, it sounds very nice indeed, and while I will be upping the cartridge in the future, for a few months, at least, I want to get used to the ARO. I'd be very annoyed if I got a new cartridge, and promptly destroyed it due to inexperience with the ARO!

I upgraded to the ARO from a Rega RB300, with a Heavyweight counterweight.

If I'd had a better arm, an Ittok, for instance, I'd have been tempted to go power supply (Armageddon) before getting the ARO. But with the RB300, good though it is, I just didn't think it was worth it.

Chris L

Posted on: 08 March 2002 by kan man
Hi Chris
Here you go. Apologies for poor quality.
Posted on: 08 March 2002 by kan man
Another one
Posted on: 09 March 2002 by Phil Craddock
Chris L,

I think everyone is alittle daunted to begin with. In time, it's possible to move the ARO from track to track without any mishaps. I've had mine now for 7 or 8 years so it's second nature.

BTW at the time I bought it, the Aromatic was not recommended by the dealer, as it was said to adversely affect the performance of the arm. Hasn't Naim stopped selling it also?

Phil Craddock

Posted on: 09 March 2002 by Chris L

Thanks for the pics, now I can see how it worked. I still think I'm better off getting used to the hand cuing, tho'!

Chris L

Posted on: 09 March 2002 by Chris L

Yes, I'm getting used to cuing the Aro by hand, it takes a bit of effort even after practicing for the last year with the RB300 - an extra set of movements to worry about!

I think you're right, Naim have stopped making the AROmatic. It was never my intention to try to source one (I'm told they can be found) but after quite a few people had tried to explain (badly) the design to me, I was just curious to get a look at one.

Chris L

Posted on: 09 March 2002 by kan man
They're pretty hard to get hold of now.

I think most people can get used to manual cueing but I wasn't prepared to. If there is a performance degradation it's very small so I shouldn't let that put anyone off getting one.
