Cartridge suggestions for P3
Posted by: Boz on 06 September 2002
Since I have installed my new NAC82 amp (have 522 mm boards) with 2*Hi/250 i found I couldn't connect my phono plugs from my P3 into the amp as they are bloody BNC type. Bought some gold-plated phono to BNC adaptors from a Naim dealer but my P3 TT now sounds a bit thin and distinctly bass light although top end detail is good.
I have an Ortofon 520 m/m cartridge which sounded OK with my 92/Hi/90.3 set up
All comments on the forum seem to suggest the P3 is a really good TT and should "show up 99% of CD players" but I'm just not getting it.
I'm thinking about a change in cartridge but as I don't listen to nearly as much vinyl as CD I don't want to spend loads (my 520 cost £75 and I changed from Superbias that came with the TT as I was getting humm from the unshielded cartridge)
The P3 is only 12 months old so anyone have any ideas about cartridges to try ?
rest of system Royd Abbott speakers, CDX/CDPS, Naim A5 speaker cable
David J Bostock
Posted on: 06 September 2002 by Boz
don't have much of a choice, no space for a separate table and the missus flatly refuses to have a wall shelf up for my TT so it will have to remain on the Sound Org Z560 rack for the time being...
Will soldering connectors make much of a difference to the sound as opposed to convertors ?
the DV Sounds quite an expensive option on a £300 TT, I was looking more aroung the £100 mark, someone on this forum before has mentioned denon as being good or perhaps I could try a Linn K9....anyone used these with a P3 ?
David J Bostock
Posted on: 06 September 2002 by vicdiaz
Yes I did, way back ago. Musical but too screeeeeechyyyy for my taste.
The Tropical Linnie
Victor V. Diaz-Diaz
Posted on: 06 September 2002 by Tim Jones
Boz -
Yes, soldering will make a potentially big difference. The tiny signal from a cartridge (even an MM one) is very sensitive.
Although they haven't tended to have many fans on this forum, I remember some very good experiences with Rega carts like the Super-Bias (70?) and Exact (250?).
Just take it down the road to Infidelity. Only the other side of Kingston bridge...
Tim J
Posted on: 07 September 2002 by Bob Shedlock
I am curious about the RB300 mods you mentioned. Anyway to get hold of them from the States?
Posted on: 07 September 2002 by Rico
Bought some gold-plated phono to BNC adaptors from a Naim dealer but my P3 TT now sounds a bit thin and distinctly bass light although top end detail is good.
Bin the converters
now!. Get your T/T down to your dealers, have BNC's fitted. Your 82 is starting to expose the weaknesses present in your P3. I personally would not spend more than £100-125 odd on a cartridge for a P3... it amounts to guilding the lily.
The Rega carts would be a worthwhile consideration. Don't overcapitalise on your P3 (good as they are at the pricepoint) when you could put any serious money into a decent used LP12.
IMHO, of course.
Oh, and last time I heard one of the Ortofon 5xx series carts it was in a P3 in a very good CDSII/52/250/SBL system and was delivering the goods. So you might not need to throw out the baby with the bathwater yet!
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 08 September 2002 by Boz
thanks for your comments everyone, went into Infidelity in Kingson and they said the only thing potentially holding the set up back was the support.
As all my Hi-fi is in the lounge a Rega wall shelf is not an option (the wife !!) so I am left with having it sitting on top of my Sound Org glass/metal rack.
Would it be worth getting something like a Russ Andrews Tortyle support under it or will that not help.
Opinion suggest the 520 should sound good on the P3 and I don't want to change the cartridge if that will not change things due to support so my question is (finally)
Is there any tweak I can do support-wise that keeps the TT on my Sound Org before I start looking at cartridges (in which case I would go for the Goldring 1042).
David J Bostock