£400 speakers to go with Nait 5?
Posted by: John Channing on 04 March 2001
I am currently trying to help a friend put together a system to replace one that was stolen in a burglary a couple of weeks ago. The burglary was a particularly harsh blow because he was uninsured and literally got cleaned out - CDs, videos, books, even bottles of wine given to them as Christmas presents were stolen. Now he has managed to scrape together enough cash to buy a Nait 5, I will lend him my spare Rega Planet until he can buy a CD5, but he also needs a new pair of speakers and has a budget of £400. He already has some stands that should be usuable with most small to medium sized bookshelf speakers so that is taken care of. He wants new, not second hand so no Kan etc. recommendations. The Epos M12 have caught his eye, has anybody heard these with Naim?