HiCap Question
Posted by: Ed R on 30 June 2002
I have just picked up a 1984 HiCap to power a 72 into a 90/3.
The HiCap hasn't been back in for a service (checked with Naim) and to be honest I would've sent it in anyway to be on the safe side.
The question is, is it possible to define what a "tired" HiCap sounds like and what will I get in return for the service in terms of improvement?
What I'm hearing is more detail at the mid to upper end of the range but little difference bass-wise. I had presumed that bass would tighten up as well, on the basis that the 90 would have more freedom without powering the pre- but will that come with the service, or do I need to upgrade the 90 for the full effect?
Annoyingly, I had listened to a 140 not too long ago which delivered just the right balance across the spectrum (and grooved as well) but that all fell through. I thought the HiCap would deliver me nearer to the ideal but I'm not so sure.
Any advice greatfully appreciated!
Posted on: 30 June 2002 by sonofcolin
Check the serial numbers on the hi-cap on the naim website. This will tell you how old it is. common advice is anything between 7-10 years could do with a re-cap.
Never heard 72/90 Hi, so can't comment on bass quality. However, when adding Hi-cap to 72/140 there was a noted increase in bass control, but not depth. I have never really heard a convincing statement of what a hi-cap does to this setup. The best I can describe it as is 'everything sounds bigger and more convincingly realistic' The room was filled more at the same volume level and it appeared as if the speakers had been moved further apart. This was more noticeable with vinyl than CD.
Something to check: Have you got the cables pointing in the right directions? I had mine setup incorrectly for a month once and wondered why it didn't sound right!
Hope this helps
Posted on: 30 June 2002 by sonofcolin
Just saw it's a 1984 Hi-cap. Check the service history with naim. if it has never been re-capped, it should be now!
Posted on: 30 June 2002 by Phil Barry
You may be hearing the limits of the NAP90 or of other components in your chain, but I doubt that many of us have heard an 18 year old hicap - we'd all have had it recapped long ago.
When I added a hicap to my 62/140, I got an overall cleaner sound, with much less congestion and compression than without the hicap. In my system, I believe bass went deeper, but perhaps not - I value dynamics and cleanliness of the sound. Most important, I value getting an impression of real people playing real music, and the hicap gave me that in spades.
Do the recap, allow a few weeks for burn-in after you get it back, and let us know how you fare.
Phil Barry
[This message was edited by Phil Barry on MONDAY 01 July 2002 at 01:59.]
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by Ed R
Thanks all for the words of wisdom.
Colin, cabling was the first thing I checked as I've "been there, done that" in the past
Phil/Sproggle, I wondered if it was a limitation of the 90, as I thought I might have got more out of it. I'm not too fussed with source or speakers, as they all sounded fantastic with the 140 and I really should have got that whilst I had the chance, but there you go.
The bottom line is I'll just have to bite the bullet and see what difference a service makes.
Thanks again,
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by Christopher
Unrelated, but.... Is it really worth adding a 2nd Hi-Cap to the 82... the effect of the first was pretty astounding to my ears (they shouldn't sell the 82 without one - it completely tranforms the performance) but I can't imagine that another could have the same effect. Any testimonies?
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by Alf Pilgrim
I did this and yes it is absolutely worth it. Try and find a 2nd hicap of similar age to your existing one.
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by Chris Dolan
and for balance
I've listened to a second Hi-cap with an 82 on many occasions and while it does improve performance it is nowhere near the boost you get by adding the first Hi-cap.
More importantly imho it is light years away from the improvement you get with a Supercap ..... so I'm still saving.
Posted on: 04 July 2002 by Laurie Saunders
I only ever used an 82 with a Hi-cap (with a 250)so I can`t comment on the benefits of adding the "first" one......adding the second one IS definitely worthwhile....so is the next upgrade to a s-cap....I endorse all those above on this thread
Cheers Laurie S