Mana soundframe model

Posted by: Tuan on 01 October 2001

Just got the mana soundframe from Mana Acoustics (England). It took 4 weeks for the order to be processed + shipping. This is what I dont like about oversea order. Well, It works well with my CD3. The sound is now better defined and more articulate. I promise to Damian of Mana Acoustics that I will post a message on this forum to express my view about the product. YES IT WORKS !! and Thanks to Mike Hanson for showing me this product.
Posted on: 01 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
I'm happy that you're pleased with the results, even though it took longer than expected. smile

I don't know what's going on at Mana. Perhaps it's some fallout caused by their recent move. Regardless, I wish them all the best, and I'm sure that they'll get it all worked out.

I do know that I'm still very impressed by the many improvements that Mana injects into my system.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-