Source poll

Posted by: Tony L on 02 May 2001

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Tony L
PS. Did you really mean you are going to ditch the P9 and return to the hallowed LP12?

Yes, assuming I can get a buyer for my P9. Don't get me wrong, the P9 really is a fabulous deck, and in many systems would kill a LP12, but in my current system it does not do what I am after.

I believe very strongly in system matching and synergy, and very little in qualitative absolutes, and in the context of my current system I am convinced a decent LP12 will work far better. A mint, boxed P9 should get me a pretty decent spec second hand LP12.


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by bob atherton

I tend to buy mostly new CD's at the moment, though I could go to a record fair & get another 20 vinyl albums.

I use CD & LP about equally. Records sound soooo good on my LP12 wink


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Dev B
I was a vinyl first person until I got the CDS2 and 01, and now listen to them pretty equally.
Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Andrew Randle

The LP12 is definitely the player to synergise with your Kans. One was built for the other.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Tony L
I would have thought an ARO was on the cards, or are you sticking to kit of a certain vintage?

I'm looking either to get a really good LP12 (e.g. one with a Aro) or to get a cheap one with an Ittok and a good few hundred quid in the back pocket. As for vintage, I have no preference other than post 88, eg corner braces.


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by NigelP

Recently bought a CDS-II and love it! The LP12 still carries away the prize though. Although the CDS-II gives me listening pleasure the LP12 with a good quality vinyl pressing (early Dire Straits, KD Lang or Beautiful South) just makes the speakers sing with pride. The CDS-II is outstanding with some CD sources (Cat Stevens best of, Joni Mitchell and BB King) but never quite gets me to the same level of pleasure. I am convinved of two things - 1. I'll get more from the CD player from really good software and 2. There's more to come from CD and I am sure that a new offering from Naim cannot be far away.


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by ken c
i tend to play cd's 99 percent of the time now, purely for convenience more than anything else. every time i have had a chance to play vinyl though - in most cases, the result has been rather special. i have considered selling of my lp12/aro/geddon/prefix before -- but these record playing sessions make that kind of decision very difficuly indeed.



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Andy Moore
quote: I use my tuner above all else. Good old Radio 3.
Then comes the cd player.
& last the turntable.

I use my gyrodec first (although I have over twice a many cds as lps) and rarely use my tuner and tape deck.

However, I am consistently amused when my £140 Sony tuner (with pitiful ribbon antenna) destroys my ancient Sony cd player, especially with R3's live concerts. The concert for
Gujarat was outstanding, bring on the Proms'.

By the way, how many FEPs do I get for running a Gyro into an Arcam Alpha+ and Rotel RL850s? roll eyes

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Keith Mattox
Most of my software purchases lately have been OOP CDs (thank you eBay). I'm just glad that we finally have some good storage for both the Lps and the CDs.

Vinyl sales have risen quite well for the last few years, but let's get real - they're still miniscule compared to cassette and CD. One note is that many of the sales are going to a very small segment of the population; rather than new people picking up vinyl.

Also, remember the hidden market for music - automobile play. Cassette first passed up vinyl for this very reason and now it's getting harder to find an aftermarket cassette player for the car - the majority (at least here in the states) are CD players. This market alone will keep CDs going for a while, and will keep the owners of these units away from any format that can't be played on a simple CD player.

Of course, longevity was predicted for 8-track for this very reason and look where it went. Although that format definitely had some technical reliability problems.

Side note: my Linn is still in a box (we just moved) and my SOTA is on consignment, so I'm using a Dual 1219 (it plays my 78s). Is there anyone else besides me that misses automatic play? I do enjoy cuing a record myself; the involvement adds something to the experience, but I love just plopping a record on the Dual and flipping the switch.



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Keith Mattox
I mostly play mp3's from my computer into...

You're not alone; I'm slowly amassing a collection of MP3s (and .shn) of concert recordings (Floyd, Marley, Phish; I'm downloading Wes Montgomery as I write) and have the 'puter hooked right into the tape in/out of my integrated. I am, of course also suffering from the expected ground hum and am floating the amp's ground line until I figure this out.



[This message was edited by Keith Mattox on WEDNESDAY 02 May 2001 at 23:30.]

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Andy Moore
Side note: my Linn is still in a box (we just moved) and my SOTA is on consignment, so I'm using a Dual 1219 (it plays my 78s). Is there anyone else besides me that misses automatic play? I do enjoy cuing a record myself; the involvement adds something to the experience, but I love just plopping a record on the Dual and flipping the switch.


I have an old Denon direct drive TT that was great for £25.
Although the sound won't ever compare to my gyro, it's great when I'm ready to fall asleep and don't need to worry about picking the arm up at the end of the side. Motor noise isn't much of a problem either for a DDQuote:

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Eric Barry
Just bought a Nak DR2 to replace on old HK which hasn't worked in two years, so I'm going through tapes of lps I don't own, tapes of 7"s, Shrimper-type stuff, bootleg live stuff, currently the Circus Lupus demo.

Can someone tell me if Naks range from vivid/lively to bright on tapes made by other decks? That's what I'm hearing.


Posted on: 03 May 2001 by pcm
CD exclusively. But Radio 3 via digital tuner (Arcam) can sound stunning; recordings off said tuner onto Yamaha MiniDisc sounds acceptable too. Even cassette is not bad ...

but then DBL's actively driven by 500's !!!

Still a thrill!

Posted on: 05 May 2001 by Tim Jones
Tony -

I have a cossetted/well maintained LP12 (Aro/DV17D2/Valhalla/Cirkus), but would be very interested in hearing a P9 in my system (52/135s/SBLs/Mana).

Perhaps we could discuss a dem arrangement...

Tim J

Posted on: 07 May 2001 by Tony L
Tim, we need to keep this off line as per forum AUP, could you drop me a private mail, your address bounced when I tried sending yesterday. My email address is in my profile.


Posted on: 10 May 2001 by Peter Stockwell
I voted CD is my main source. I had the system down a while back and was forced to listen to CDs, I found that I had a lot of recent CDs that sounded really good and with great music. I love my LPs too, but I listen to old timey stuff on LP for the most part and new stuff on CD.
