Naim sistem

Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 27 April 2002

when I talked with my dealer this afternoon he told me as i´ve got a naim amplifier(Nait 5) I´ve to make a Naim sistem,buy the cd 5 too!But this week I listened Exposure 2010 cd player and I like it a lot!and it´s just 600 £!What you think?off corse with Naim source I can add a flatcap big grin
But guys,I spend a lot of money in Nait 5,and in my mind I didn´t want a Naim sistem!Just get a good amplifier! wink Can I mix Naim amplification with other stuff?
Posted on: 27 April 2002 by Andrew Randle
Of course, although you might find the Exposure XXII a more appropriate CD player than the Exposure 2010 for the Nait 5. Of course, you MUST demo the Exposure against the Naim CD5 *over a couple of days at home* in order to come to a fully judged conclusion.

Best of luck,


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"

[This message was edited by Andrew Randle on SUNDAY 28 April 2002 at 00:20.]
Posted on: 27 April 2002 by Steve Toy
The Nait 5 will support a CDX.

In other words, it will show the improvement in source component up to this level.

Therefore, the minimum requirement for a Nait 5 is a CD5.

Anything less will simply be revealed for its weaknesses.

You just don't yet know how good your amp is! eek



The proof of the pudding...
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Phil Barry
Well, I disagree with ST. My first Naim (62/140) supposedly far outclassed my sources (LP12/Akito!/K9!, Philips CD880!, Dyna FM5) - and my appreciation for music jumped way up as soon as I plugged the Naim stuff in.

Yeah, I'm all for source first, but you've got a choice here: continue futzing around vs. buy something and enjoy music at home.

I bet the Exposure 2010/Nait will be better than, say, a Rega Planet and the same Nait.

Best of luck.

Former audiplhilia nervosa sufferer
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Ok guys:
I´m looking for a "bass slam" and a nice soundstage!Maybe ST has reazon!Unless I buy a Júpiter or a CD 5 I can´t get it!|What you think? confused
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Rico
a nice soundstage

you sir! wash your mouth out! Soundstage? Yechh. What next, shimmering highs? big grin

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Do you know what I mean for a "Bass slam"?Maybe not!
roll eyes What´s your source?some pionner or sony, I guess big grin
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Rico
Can’t say too much about his SBLs though

Not having heard them on the end of a 250, of course not! wink

As it happens, I do have a Pioneer as source in the "second system" - no bass slam is not really present there.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Hi guys :
Yes I want somethink special to my sistem!So I will listen Exposure 2010 in my sistem!But I think I need a more expensive source to get what I want!I will listen too a Jupiter,wich I listen a months ago and I really like it!CD 5 it´s in my plans too!I´d never heard it!But I don´t know if I will make a all Naim sound:D It´s early to say!I really Rega sound too!And let´s see the Exposure synergies wink But ST is rigth!This amplifier goes with a 1 000£ source minimum big grin
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Andrew Randle
...hence you need an Exposure XXII or Naim CD5.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Rico
The CD5 is better than the Jupiter. You should listen to the better exposure, the CD5, the CDX, and perhaps try a linn alternative.

Listen for the Music. Forget about Bass Slam, 10-foot wide vocalists, and shimmering highs.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 28 April 2002 by Steve Toy
...hence you need an Exposure XXII or Naim CD5.

Or a Jupiter.

My point all along.

The CD5 is likely to work best with the Nait 5 though, and you won't have to worry about interconnects.



The proof of the pudding...
Posted on: 29 April 2002 by Nuno Baptista
OK guys!
now to do my upgrade path I just want to listen a cd 5 and compare with Júpiter!Ok Rico cd 5 is better, but I don´t know yet if Naim sound it´s my" couple of tea"!I´ve got to listen this amplifier with a decent cd player
wink Definitely I like Rega sound!Why can´t I mix Rega source with Naim amplification? big grin
what you think?
Posted on: 29 April 2002 by Steve Toy
Because Rega source is good, but Naim source is much better!

The Jupiter is nice, but the CD5 is more than 115 GBP better.



The proof of the pudding...
Posted on: 29 April 2002 by Rico
Why can´t I mix Rega source with Naim amplification?

Nuno - I have not suggested this. You can do just about anything you like. Use a strange valve-hybrid cd player from the late 80's if it spins your wheels. You asked for advice.

Actually, you asked your dealer for advice, and you're having problems in following it!

You're not sure you like the naim sound? You do have a Naim amp, correct?

and in my mind I didn´t want a Naim sistem!
You clearly have a problem in that you are letting your preconceptions get in the way of the requirements of your ears. It sounds as though you have a decent dealer - try placing your trust in him, and see where it takes you on your quest for music in your home.

I have listened to the Jupiter through a Nait5 - thats where my "better" comment comes from. The CD5 in place of the Jupiter works better. And hey, there's better synergy too, atop all this music stuff. As Linn used to say, better is better. Should you prefer the Jupiter, go with your ears - they're the ones you listen with, after all.

I look forward to your listening notes. Let us know what you hear.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

[This message was edited by Rico on TUESDAY 30 April 2002 at 01:42.]
Posted on: 30 April 2002 by Nuno Baptista
OK guys:
Rico you are rigth!I was wrong about looking for a "bass slam" and soundstage!Now I´m looking for a flat earth sound!"bass slam" is what some teenagers are looking after and what you can ear back the speakers those cars! big grin Well my dealer is honest but rigth now he´s very interested to sell Exposure cd players!BTW they have a great sound,very clean and dynamic!But I´m looking for something else!Yes I will take care ,I will publish my audition notes to get some feedback!
Naim cd 5 is at the top audition rigth now! razz