Headphone Change
Posted by: Dave Hartley on 18 January 2002
I'm thinking of changing them and have read good reviews about Sennheiser in particular the HD600.
I have just seen an advert for these in a sale at £99 which seems a bargain....!!
I will take my DT990 with me to compare, but has anyone any thoughts about this direction to go.
Yours comments will be greatly appreciated..
I tried the Sennheiser headphones that you speak of and did not actually like them very much although I do use some very old Sennheisers for music composition and playing. For hifi use, the best that I have heard are the Stax ones - any chance you could find a second hand system somewhere? - much more open and lucid.
Thanks for your advise.....but I'm intrigued.
Why have you so...many different headphones and come to that headphone amps as well...?
the £99 ticket looks cheap but from what I have seen in the mags, there seems to be some dumping of Sennheiser stock, though I do not know why?
I am looking at headphones and would encourage you to try a pair of Grado's. A very different presentation to the S's.
Also , would anyone else out there like to give some feedback on headphone amps in general and the level of improvement if a Headline is fed by a Hi-cap instead of the Napsc.
[This message was edited by Happy Listener on SATURDAY 19 January 2002 at 14:12.]
The HD600's are the best headphone I have ever heard with the excpetion of the Stax Electrostatics and this seems to be the general consensus as far as I can tell.
Go buy!
I placed the phones on my head before pluging in to the socket......I didn't like the feel of them on my head. The ear pads seemed very hard and did not sit well on the side of my face. They also seemed very tight and I felt irrespective of what they sounded like they would not be condusive to a lengthy listening period.
I put my Beyer's on and straight away there was a feeling of comfort, even being unaware they were on my head.
As far as the sound....they were ok a little better than the 990's but I put this down to the fact they were new and would need some time to settle in. Also the CD player wasn't a good way to listen to headphones.
Will the comfort factor improve once they have been used for a while.
Oh they have also increased in price to £119...!
Overall the sound is very good! They were a might bit thin a first but once they warmed up they got very rich, detailed and involving.
If you can hook them to a HiCap do so. It improved the sound quality!
I think the HD 600's are even more detailed then speakers but not as sonically "solid."
The drums, bass, etc.. sound a bit light. Perhaps they're still not yet fully warm but they just don't seem to carry the "weight" my speakers do. I suppose the Stax Electrostats are better but at 2 grand USD, I can find better uses for the money!
Enjoy - K
[This message was edited by Martin M on THURSDAY 24 January 2002 at 14:05.]
Ergo is a current brand of headphone that is very similar to the Jecklins. In fact I believe they are made by the same people.
Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"