Here's one for debate...
Posted by: NigelP on 28 June 2001
I'm at the point of thinking about my next upgrade. Currently I'm running two NAP250's into Nautilus 804's fronted up by the LP12/Ekos/Klyde, CDS-II and 52. I'm happy with the sources and want to get more from them (I listen to CD and vinyl around 50/50). I have two alternatives that I'm considering which are around the same spend:
I've heard the 500 and it is stunning. There is no doubt in my mind that, with active verses passive into the same speaker, the 500 comes out on top. But what of the dilemma above? My dealer has a view. I have a view which is inline with my dealer and I will do the demo before I decide. I'm interested in Naimie views.
- Trade in the 250's against a 500
- Trade in the 804's for the NBL, buy another 250, SNAXO and Supercap and go active
I've heard the 500 and it is stunning. There is no doubt in my mind that, with active verses passive into the same speaker, the 500 comes out on top. But what of the dilemma above? My dealer has a view. I have a view which is inline with my dealer and I will do the demo before I decide. I'm interested in Naimie views.