Here's one for debate...

Posted by: NigelP on 28 June 2001

I'm at the point of thinking about my next upgrade. Currently I'm running two NAP250's into Nautilus 804's fronted up by the LP12/Ekos/Klyde, CDS-II and 52. I'm happy with the sources and want to get more from them (I listen to CD and vinyl around 50/50). I have two alternatives that I'm considering which are around the same spend:

I've heard the 500 and it is stunning. There is no doubt in my mind that, with active verses passive into the same speaker, the 500 comes out on top. But what of the dilemma above? My dealer has a view. I have a view which is inline with my dealer and I will do the demo before I decide. I'm interested in Naimie views.
Posted on: 01 July 2001 by Jens

The discussion of active v. passive that this thread has turned into is certainly a worthwhile one, and makes for interesting reading. In a paralell thread (2nd hand 500) there has been discussion of bi-/triamping in speakers such as Epos 30s which have very direct X-overs. It has been suggested that because of the simplicity of the X-over used, bi-/triamping is virtually equivalent to going active in these types of speaker. What do you reckon?

Cheers, Jens

Posted on: 02 July 2001 by woodface
To be honest David, this thread did sound very much like the one you described!
Posted on: 02 July 2001 by NigelP
Apart from Frank who has put forward what seems to be very compelling suggestions, this seems to be relatively inconclusive. I may have a need to alter the right/left balance and so active may be more appropriate but then I am also of the view of not messing with the source. Good to see that everyone having fun while sharing their views (apart from Woodface - come on lighten up!). I will let you know what I find when I've done the comparison. Also I don't want to restrict the loudspeaker options to Naim so any other ideas would be welcome.



Posted on: 02 July 2001 by Frank Abela

It's precisely the simple crossover (a single capacitor in the case of ES14s) which causes the strange impedance of the EPOS speakers. However, the argument I made earlier remains true. You can modify the active crossover so you drive the various drivers individually, but you're using more drive from the amp anyway, so the passive option remains a good choice since you have all the extra power and control gains that you wouldn't otherwise get.

All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 02 July 2001 by Tony L
Also I don't want to restrict the loudspeaker options to Naim so any other ideas would be welcome.

From my own personal perspective, assuming I had both the money and the room, I would unquestionably use a panel speaker. I love old Quads, and the new 989 sounded stunning on the very quick listen I have managed so far. I have also heard very good sounds coming from various Mangaplaners. I just love the clarity, speed, openness, and total lack of honk, boom or other cabinet nasties with good panels… one day I will own 57s!

Back to boxes, on a quick listen I have also been impressed with the JM Labs Micro-Utopias, I am sure I much prefer them to either the more expensive Mini or Mezzo (I don't like the bass at all on the big ones). The new big and expensive isobaric Neats sound really interesting, though I have not heard them yet. I like the Neat concept of using the reflex port purely to vent the cabinet to provide less resistance for the driver, not to attempt to reinforce the bass output over a few notes as most "evil" ports do. Certainly works with the Petite, though god knows what the big ones are like (I suspect its far easier to screw up a big speaker than a small one!).

All my opinions are Frank's, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly

Posted on: 02 July 2001 by woodface
I can't help it I just take your 'plight' very seriously! Basically you will be buying the nap 500 - I dare you to prove me wrong.
Posted on: 02 July 2001 by Dev B
. I love old Quads, and the new 989 sounded stunning on the very quick listen I have managed so far. I have also heard very good sounds coming from various Mangaplaners. I just love the clarity, speed, openness, and total lack of honk, boom or other cabinet nasties with good panels… one day I will own 57s!

Quads are amazing, my only problem with the 57 is the lack of abosolute volume. I hope the new 989 is better in this respect.

All my opinions are complete bollocks, and reflect the opinion of my deaf mates who have absolutely no clue about hifi, except where this is stated explicitly