returning NAT02 to Naim
Posted by: Colin Shelbourn on 10 October 2002
I have a NAT02 which is suffering a sick decoder. I plan to return it to Naim for a service - any useful recommendations for which courier to use? Some of them only seem to insure stuff up to £500. (Before anyone asks, I'm about 250 miles away from the factory so delivering by hand isn't an option.)
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by NB
I have always used Parcel Force. I have never been disappointed with them.
I have just purchased an XPS from Brighton and used them again. Their service is efficient and reasonably priced.
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by NB
I always make purchases on Visa, so that I am covered by their insurance as well. You can never be too careful when making purchases by mail order.
I would hate to lose my Naim gear!!!!!!
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by David Stewart
You might want to try CityLink - their transit liability limit is £15000, considerably better than most. The next-day rate for up to 10Kg is around £12. Personally I wouldn't under any circumstances trust anything urgent or of value to either Parcel Farce or Securicor. But that is just a personal opinion.
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by rch
Perhaps he could be an option for your problem. Good luck!