Royd Speakers - NAIT 3

Posted by: Muzza on 17 September 2001

I have some questions on Royd speakers, which seem to get a very good recepetion here in the forum.

1. Do they have a WEB site, as despite trying I am unable to find one ?

2. Will a NAIT 3 drive the Squire and Minstrel OK ?

3. What are the respective merits of the Squire and Minstrel ?

Your thoughts appreciated

Posted on: 17 September 2001 by Andrew Randle
Hey Muzza!

Royd used to be at - a page that was developed and maintained by their Canadian distributor. However, this site is down as it is about to be rehauled (due to the introduction of a new range).

Yes a Nait 3 will drive Royds.

I don't know about the Squire, but the Mistrels are very very good. The problem is that both models are now discontinued and making way for the new range - which sadly starts at about £800.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 17 September 2001 by Muzza
Andrew both these models are available locally new - last of the line. One good reason to be living way out here.
Posted on: 17 September 2001 by Jay

I've never actually owned a pair of Minstrels but I've listened to them a lot with various friends, etc. In a nutshell (no Austin Powers jokes please!) they're an extremely good speaker for the money and would work really well with a Nait.

They don't do really deep bass but what they do produce is very musical and can be improved if you set them up properly in the room. Half a foot or so away from the wall and spikes placed in screws which are screwed into the floor.

No experience with the Squires sorry.

Hope that helps. Jay

Posted on: 18 September 2001 by Lo Fi Si
Naits will have no trouble driving Minstrels.
Heard this combo while buying current 92/180. Even in a relatively big room (30 x15 ft) they went plenty loud enough on the end of a Nait5. Our room is considerably smaller (15*12 ft) and anything above 9 O’clock is going to seriously annoy the neighbours. Also did a Minstrel-SBL comparison and while the SBLs were obviously superior (better controlled bass and more open mid-treble) it wasn’t enough to convince me to change the Minstrels in the near future.


Posted on: 18 September 2001 by Mike Hanson
The North American distributor was maintaining the site, and now he's moved to Germany. The new distributor is working on a new site, and you can check for the beginnings. He hasn't decided whether he will purchase the rights to, as the domain name was owned by the former distributor.

The Squire, which was designed to be more compatible with Japanese A/V amplifiers, is more efficient than the Minstrel. However, I feel the Minstrel is a better speaker overall. The Nait should be able to drive both, although it depends on your desired volumes. The Squires will actually play louder (albeit not better).

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 20 September 2001 by Robbie
Muzza, website at the moment.

2.If the room is not too big a Nait will drive them easily.The better the amplification the better they will sound.

3.I agree with Mike on this.
