Sock-et to ya

Posted by: Naheed on 28 March 2001

About two months ago i decided to replace my standard ac outlet (socket) with an off the shelf MK Logic unswitched from B&Q ~ £7.

I only managed about 1 weeks listening after about 3 weeks settle in, but from initial power-up, there was a marked improvement in the lower frequencies, deeper more forceful bass, and generally just more solidity to everything (made my pre-system sound quite thin in comparison).

My system is still warming up after a months switch off, but i was wondering if anyone else has tried a similar tweak...


Posted on: 28 March 2001 by Chris Brandon
Hi Naheed,

Have you tried "Crabtree" plugs,they seem to go well with the MK logic's (unswitched),I think they are around the £2 ea. area.

...But then again,this would mean powering down your system again... eek

(and you being a self-confessed non-diy dude,I won't start on about replacing the supplied plug screws with brass ones smile ...and installing a seperate spur.etc. !)



p.s. ...preliminary investigations into the Densen "DeMagic" cd seem to be going well !

Posted on: 28 March 2001 by Naheed
The Musicworks gear use Crabtree plugs I believe they do the whole non-ferrous thing...
Never again, my friend, it's 24/7/12/365 > from now on.

DIY what's that, I am actually going for the separate ring (thing) around may/june time hopefully (plus a friend at work mentioned the other day he used to be a qualified Electrician) should be interesting, and I won't get ripped off by some sweaty, minging sparky who charges £60 per 1/2 hr !!!

Can you believe IT, about 5 mths ago I decided to change the exterior welcome light, straight forward I thought (long story short) I screwed up all the exterior lighting. Since then I've called around 5 sparkies, 2 never bothered to turn up, the other 3 were quoting telephone numbers.

Anyway, my mate who will be doing the dedicated ring (he does'nt know it yet though), is coming round for a meal sometime (possibly the evening), so I may just mention (just by chance of course) the light isn't working.
