Shahinian Arcs s/h

Posted by: ebirah on 20 May 2001

I am being offered a pair of ARCs second-hand (or 'pre-owned' 'second-user' as the guff seems to be these days). The seller got them s/h himself and has no idea how old they are! I've emailed Shahinian with the hope of some advice but is there any way to tell their age visually from the drive units? Have these undergone any significant upgrades recently and what would be a reasonable price to pay depending on age?
(current system CDI/72/hi-cap/250/SBLs - which may still stay depending on the outcome of protracted home listening!).

Cheers, Steve

Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Allan Probin

I understand that the Arcs had a reasonably significant upgrade about 18months/2yrs ago regarding the passive bass radiator on the back panel.

Its quite easy to tell if a speaker has this upgrade by looking at the fixing bolts. If the passive radiator has eight bolts around the circumference then its the new type, if it has four its the old type.

Not too sure about second hand prices but I went to have a listen to an ex-dem, new-type pair in light oak about 3 months ago that were £1400. Personally I didn't like them and ended up coming out of the dem realising that SBLs were the way to go for me. I believe those ex-dem Arcs are still for sale at Audio Counsel Oldham if you are interested.
