Active or passive??

Posted by: Charlezz on 05 January 2002

I have a cdx/Nac102/Supercap/Nap180.
I entend to buy new loudspeakers in order to wait before I can buy NBL; But I have got a question:
Which is better between:
-CDX/Nac102/Supercap/Nap135/passive SBL
-CDX/Nac102/Supercap/2*Nap250/Snaxo/Hicap/Active SBL.



Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Bob Edwards

Try adding the XPS to the CDX or moving to the CDS2. Either combination will sound better through what you have now into SBLs than the bare CDX into active SBLs, which are FAR too revealing for a CDX (as good as that player is).



Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Charlezz
My question was wrong;
What is the best between :
cdsII/XPS/Nac52/Scap/Nap135/Passive SBL
cdsII/XPS.Nac52/Scap/2*Nap250/Snaxo2-4/Hicap/Active SBL


Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Bob Edwards

I think the difference between those two systems is one of preference. I personally greatly prefer SBLs active with 250s to passive with 135s, as does, I believe, Ken C (Ken--keep me honest here!). Active to me plays tunes better and sounds better then passive with 135s. However, a 500 passive is even better, and easily betters SBLs active even with SNAXO/Scap/4x135s.

I've owned active SBLs with 250s and prefer them still to passive with 135s. You pay your money and you take your choice!



Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Charlezz
Thank you, I 'll listen and listen before choosing.
But, anyway, as you told me, going active is not my next upgrade!!!
But i really need better loudspeakers than mines; and i would like to choose a pair of speakers that would be an intermediary step before Active NBL.
Which speakers do you think i should choose?
ps: i think s/h is generally a good way of buying loudspeakers.



Posted on: 05 January 2002 by J.N.
I ran my SBL's from passive 135's and now have them active on 250's (Hi-Cap driving the Snaxo); which I reckon is a lot better.

A Supercap on the Snaxo is reckoned to blow your skirt up and expose your knickers. It's my next move.

I'm keeping the curtains closed!

Posted on: 05 January 2002 by JohnS
I was using CDX/XPS/82/SuperCap/250 into passive SBLs and I enjoyed the sound of that. I never tried the 135s but I got hold of an old NAXO2-4 and HiCap and bought another 250 and I think it was one of the biggest and best upgrades I have made - the active setup plays tunes better, reveals more details, bass is easier to follow, treble is sweeter and I love it. Compared to some upgrades which are fairly marginal (to me), such as 72->82, this upgrade is clearly audible right from the go, with cold 250 out of the box.

After upgrading the front end I look forward to the SNAXO w/SuperCap (only not the cost of it smile ).


Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Charlezz
Thank you, I 'll listen and listen before choosing.
But, anyway, as you told me, going active is not my next upgrade!!!
But i really need better loudspeakers than mines:( ; and i would like to choose a pair of speakers that would be an intermediary step before Active NBL.
Which speakers do you think i should choose?
ps: i think s/h is generally a good way of buying loudspeakers.

Thanks in advance.


Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Bob Edwards

My vote would be for used SBLs with the newer cabinets--the ones that are veneered on all sides. (They will automatically have the newer drivers, unless someone replaced the newer drivers with older ones for some unknown reason.)

They should sound great with your system now and let you hear all the upstream upgrades it sounds like you'll be undertaking. They also look nice according to my wife (we have a pair in cherry). The NBL also represents a logical step up--you won't have any culture shock shifting to NBLs from SBLs (other then how much better NBLs are).



Posted on: 05 January 2002 by Charlezz
How can I see the s/h SBL come with old ar new drivers, cabinets???

Could you send me a picture of yours??


Posted on: 06 January 2002 by Mario
Going active half way down the trail must be a step up, otherwise why would naim offer it to owners of slimline electronics via the IXO? I have always believed in front end first, but I'm sure one doesn't require a cdsii/52 before buying an IXO? I'm hoping a cd5 Hi/112 FC2 will be enough to warrant an IXO and another 150 into Allaes, when I finally find the cash.
Posted on: 06 January 2002 by garyi

The older cabinets are painted black on the tops and bottoms of each unit so that if you look between say the bottom and bass bin you can see black. The new cabinets are veneered all the way so that if you look between you will see wood. As I remember the older SBL grilles seemed to not fit as well as the new ones, I may have just seen a few dodgy grilles though.

Can't help with the speakers, presumably if they are in older cabinets you should find out if they have been upgraded because by definition they will be the older type otherwise

Posted on: 06 January 2002 by ken c

I personally greatly prefer SBLs active with 250s to passive with 135s, as does, I believe, Ken C (Ken--keep me honest here!). Active to me plays tunes better and sounds better then passive with 135s. However, a 500 passive is even better, and easily betters SBLs active even with SNAXO/Scap/4x135s.

you are correct bob, when i demoed at grahams this time last year, i preferred the active setup by far. fwiw, my nephew, will, prefers the passive 135's (and he's recently bought a pair) -- so, as is always the case, its down to personal preferences.

