The Cartridge Man Digital Levelling Gauge

Posted by: ken c on 23 January 2002

hi, i picked this up from

any one tried this device care to share experiences with us??



Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Martin M
But I reckon the Mana Spirit Level is worth every penny and is well worth it when setting a turntable up. Its a lot cheaper than this one too.
Posted on: 23 January 2002 by ken c
i have it. my understanding is that it was dessigned to make sure the lp12 platter is level under dynamic conditions, i.e. when its rotating.
for general levelling, (racks, etc) i well remember someone here commenting that the surface contact that the mana and similar levellers make is not large enough to give an accurate overall reading.

but y're right martin, the money they are asking for this digital levelling gauge is, ehhh, steep!!!

as an aside, i find that i get somewhat inconsistent readings with my "Fisco Handymate" 1ft leveller -- it says the rack surface is level, yet when i put it on top of my cdsii, it clearly indicates not level. paranoia inducing -- but i just blame the level because the cdsii sounds good enough...



Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Rico
weight 195g? What does that do to your LP12 suspension? wink Hmm - come to think of it, I've never weighed my M*#A spirit level...

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Martin M
Ken, I probably teaching granny to suck eggs here, but the Lp-12 will 'lean' at stand still. It will only reach its true level when it is revolving, hence the Mana level has hole in it to allow dynamic measurement.

Wouldn't a small mesurement area make the spirit level more sensitive as the 'integration' area of the measurement is smaller. You just have move the level around a bit more.

Anyway, nice level either way.

I'd spend 200 quid on records myself.

Its about 90 grams as I recall. A bit lighter than a normal album. 195 maybe OK if you exclusively own 'Audiophile' albums...

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by ken c

Ken, I probably teaching granny to suck eggs here, but the Lp-12 will 'lean' at stand still. It will only reach its true level when it is revolving, hence the Mana level has hole in it to allow dynamic measurement.

yes, i know. and i think that's more or less what i said, isnt it??

Wouldn't a small mesurement area make the spirit level more sensitive as the 'integration' area of the measurement is smaller. You just have move the level around a bit more.

dunno. but raises the question of precisely what must be level. in the case of the lp12, the mana spirit level on the platter does quite a good job i think -- its weight is not excessive i think. for cdsii, for example, i suspect the actual cd must be level when playing -- all sorts of tolerances may perhaps make the case not quite "true".

I'd spend 200 quid on records myself. i dont always spend money on records. sometimes i spend it on equipment upgrades and various useful accessories (e.g hydra, etc). but i know what you mean -- 200 quid is a LOT of money for just a level -- hence my original question.

thanks for responding...



Posted on: 25 January 2002 by Dev B
use a Mana level on the platter while rotating then use two Aro circular levels - one on LP12 logo at the front end of the armboard and another near the base of the arm. if all are in the circle you are sorted.



Posted on: 25 January 2002 by ken c
best way to level a LP12

use a Mana level on the platter while rotating then use two Aro circular levels - one on LP12 logo at the front end of the armboard and another near the base of the arm. if all are in the circle you are sorted.

sounds good to me... many thanks...



Posted on: 29 January 2002 by Raphael
Hi there
The Mana level sounds really good - can anyone tell me how much it is and where the best place to get one in UK is? (South East)
Posted on: 29 January 2002 by ken c
you can probably get it mail order. try

