stageline question

Posted by: davidf on 08 August 2001

I have: lp12/ekos/rega exact/82/supercap/250/linn 5140 speakers plus cdx and 01.
Question: since I have heard that pulling the phono boards on the 82 may help the sound of the cdx/01, is getting the stageline instead of using the mm boards in my 82 an advantage? Is there truth that removing the phono boards on the 82 helps the other sources? Has anyone upgraded to the stageline? Do you need a separate power supply for the stageline or could one use the supercap? Any answers would be much appreciated. Should I just get the damn xps? (I know, I know!). david.
Posted on: 08 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
I don't know much about phono pre-amps, so I can't say whether the Stageline is any better than the phono cards in your 82. Also, pulling boards from a pre-amp helps, but it's not a huge difference. Besides, your Super-Cap is probably having no problem providing stable power. Also, the Stageline requires a separate power supply (like the Prefix).

I would think if you're going to upgrade, you may as well make it worthwhile. Therefore, I suggest that you purchase a Prefix/Hi for your LP12, and an XPS for your CDX. Of course, you could save yourself the cost of a Hi-Cap by upgrading your 82 to a 52, which can power the Prefix directly. wink

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on THURSDAY 09 August 2001 at 11:49.]