Average Joe ???

Posted by: Minky on 18 December 2003

I've resisted "reality series" like the plague up until now. My reasoning was that they were crappy crap for crappy mofo's. Imagine my surprise when this week I found myself looking forward to the next instalment of "Average Joe". It started innocently enough. I found the advert mildly interesting and happened to be in the room when the first instalment started. "Sit down if you are staying" she said. "No way am I staying" I said as I sat down.

The premise is pretty simple. Take a bunch of "average" men and present them to a shallow shiny plastic American woman and, given time, watch her come to the staggering realisation that looks are not everything.

A few problems. Firstly all the average men are not created equal. In amongst the fatties (that spend all of their time drinking beer, farting and doing gigantic dive-bombs in the pool) and skinnies (including one with a brace of hearing aids) there are a few not-so-average men like Zak. Over the next few weeks we see the fatties, skinnies and spasties tearfully eliminated to cries of "we had a connection which I wished I'd had more time to explore, BUT .. (i.e. fuck off)".

So pretty soon we are left with the least average of the Joes, one of which Shiny lady is pretty hot for. Zak. Now, for fun, the producers throw in three male supermodels. Remembering how Shiny's bottom lip had quivered as the first tranche of dorks came off the bus in episode one made the explosion of sexual glee as the uber-joes pranced in all the more poignant.

So, now the point seems to be that, having got to know the average Joes as human beans she will now forsake beauty in favour of more than skin-deep attributes. Not quite. From the original 12 average and 3 super-Joes we somehow manage to arrive at 2 of each. What's the statistical probability of that Don Atkinson ?

The rest is too painful and boring to go into. There's a "Shallow Hal" thing where they dress Miss Shiny in a fat suit and secretly film the Joes taking the piss. That puts paid to Zak and the token geek was never really a contender (too much crying) and then we have two.

OK, so in the final episode she has to choose between funny, popular, RICH (it turns out) Mr Average and pretty (and that's about it) shiny boy and (drum roll) surely this is where we get to find out that the Average Joe does have a shit-show with the plastic girl ? Nope. She chooses pretty boy. WHAT ?

As the credit rolls a voiceover tells us that the happy couple didn't even make it to the holiday ..

The next series is set in Hawaii and appears to feature an ex Miss USA and a bunch of extras from the set of deliverance.

Can someone explain to me :

1) Why I watched this shite.

2) Why she chose the Poofty.

3) Why our two soul mates lasted for less than a nanosecond.

4) Why are these programs.

5) Whether I am likely to watch the next series (careful answering this one – my life is in the balance here).
Posted on: 18 December 2003 by ErikL
Originally posted by Minky:
Can someone explain to me :

2) Why she chose the Poofty.

3) Why our two soul mates lasted for less than a nanosecond.

4) Why are these programs.

2. That's easy. All the pretty-girl-magazines she grew up reading had pictures of pretty girls like her next to pretty boys like him. Smoochy boy also probably closely matched the list of "critical attributes in a man" that she made at the age of 14, after reading a story in said magazines.
3. Maybe they finally grew up, beyond their pubescent lust?
4. It's business driven- they're cheap to produce, and there are gobs of single, lonely American women who huddle pints of ice cream and scented candles and watch this sh*t. High ROI.
Posted on: 18 December 2003 by ErikL
Actually, you could look at my mucker Mekon's analysis and apply some of it to question #2. Wink
Posted on: 18 December 2003 by Berlin Fritz
Green River's lookin rough these days Man ? That hospital in New Jersey looks pretty iffy too don't it.
Fritz Von Evensadderthanminkey

Graham Ricketts
Posted on: 18 December 2003 by ErikL
48 life sentences spent in solitary confinement can't be very interesting (unless he really, really likes spanking it). I wonder what his family thinks of all of this?

(I'm talking about my neighbor, Gary "The Green River Killer" Ridgeway, not the glossy guy on reality TV)
Posted on: 19 December 2003 by NeilM

thanks very much for your synposis of the show. I managed to catch a couple of episodes when I was in the States on business, so was of course extremely interested in how it all turned out. I was particularly impressed with the ability of the lady to embark upon full on tonsil action with many of her dates after a few minutes of 'smooth talking'

As to why are these shows fascinating to watch. Well I think you are either a people watcher or not. If you are, I suspect so, then it is always intriguing to see how people react and behave. It is a curiosity that will never go away.

I think they are great, my wife can't see the interest, but I do not enjoy them when the show turns to ritual humilation that descends them into a real life soap.

I felt very sorry for Shiny Lady. She is obviously incapable of judging a good character so is likely to fall from pillar to post in her future relationships. I guess the producer of the show realised this and felt it would make good TV.

anyway, thanks again for the synposis, I was pleased that Zak got what he deserved.
Posted on: 23 December 2003 by Jim Waugh
Maybe he wasn't so "average" in other areas the audience couldn't see Smile