Does going active still make sense?

Posted by: John on 31 May 2001

Does going active still make sense?

My current system consists of CDS1,52,135's. I have never heard an active
system but I understand the benefits are significant. I would be looking at
another set of 135s, active crossover, highcap or supercap. To buy the
extra 135s and crossover it would cost about $8,500US retail to add
a highcap the amount goes upto $10,000US and a Supercap $12,500US.
My numbers are estimates. I could equally sell my current 135s for say
about $3,000US which would put my sunken costs at $15,500US if
I went for the active Supercap option. On the surface this doens't make
sense based on the opinions that exist with the NAP500.

When I consider used equipement the cost could be about $3,800US
for 135s and the crossover. This might make sense but since I haven't
even heard an active system what are the relative benefits going from:

Passive ---> Active
Passive ---> Active + Hicap
Passive ---> Active + Supercap
Passive ---> NAP500

I hate upgrades that leave you with positive and negative changes. Do
any of these upgrade points deliver anything negative? What are the
relative gains for each step? Assuming Naim is upgrading their speaker
line does it make sense to wait for the SBL replacement? I assume they
will improve the crossover for the speaker. $3,800 might get
me into the new speaker.


Posted on: 31 May 2001 by ken c
john, there have been several reports here that a passive 500 was miles better than any active system with lower power amps. i havent done this dem myself, but i trust the people who say so. if ever i felt i could afford a 500, i would definitely do the dem.

going active will produce significant gains in clarity, intimacy, power, etc... you get more music. i have written about my own experiences on the forum recently so shouldnt be difficult for you to track down the thread, (i think its called kens active system or something)...

however, if you are looking for a perfect system, i dont believe it exists. compared to live music, there is still a way to go, but the illusion is quite strong nevertheless...

if you have a chance, and time, it would be very interesting/useful for you to audition these various options and to report your own findings here...



Posted on: 31 May 2001 by John

The local Naim dealer doesn't carry the equipment so I can't even hear what active 135s sound like.

I will search for your thread but have you done any of these comparisons. My basic concern is if any step brings anything negative? I don't want to start the active route if there isn't system satisfaction at the first step and I am pushed to adding a highcap or supercap. For example does it get more dynamic at the first stage but you don't receive the smoothness until you get a supercap in?


Posted on: 31 May 2001 by ken c
i have done passive cds2/52/250/sbl to active with hicap and a second 2nd hand 250. prior to going active, i got all my gear thoroughly serviced by naim audio, including my very old 250, which, to all intents and purposes, is now a new 250 -- and sounds like one.

my 1st step was to go active with hicap driving the snaxo. assuming all your components are working ok(they are now, right?) then prepare to be completely overwhelmed by this. the only "negative" is that the system becomes much more revealing -- so you may hear defects in the performances you hadnt heard before... but to me, this just confirms that you have humans playing (in most cases???) -- so this is a positive. also, it becomes much easier to assess installation effects.

when you power the snaxo with supercap, yet another layer of music is revealed. the sound stage is reconfigured to give more space to individual instruments. you hear more. you have a better cd player than i have (upgrading to cdsii soon), but i found i could play cd's at a higher volume, 11 oclock, without discomfort.

the problems i have had on the road to active in my case have been very "local". right now, i am trying to sort out why my new naim plugs sound more musical, but a bit "dirty" in the treble. maybe soldered plugs also need to warm up -- dunno.

i am visiting infidelity tomorrow to select a cartridge for my lp12, which is there for reset. i will ask then to look at my NAC5's while there.

so, i believe you will not be disappointed going active. in fact, i think your experience will be better than mine with cds1 and 135's, unless you mind the extra boxes. it is a real pity that you dont have a local dealer, because at the stage you are and the upgrade you are contemplating -- a passive 500, from what i hear from people here, is a mandatory audition.

hope this is useful



Posted on: 31 May 2001 by NigelP

I have heard active and the 500 and I can confirm that the 500 makes speakers fly like you would not believe! The difference is in the output transistor technology where the 500 does not need the protection circuitry normally in Naim's amps. The reason that dealers don't stock the active systems anymore is because of the 500. Also passive cross-overs are much better than they used to be. Listen for yourself because some people I know with active systems do prefer these because they feel different and it's what the're comfortable with.

Posted on: 31 May 2001 by John
Does anyone know if there any significant improvements in the crossover when it was changed from a NAXO to a SNAXO? I might be able to pickup a NAXO fairly cheap but maybe it's not even worth the asking price?


Posted on: 01 June 2001 by Frank Abela
The SNAXO was a significant improvement over the NAXO.

Active systems improve over passive systems in many many ways. There usually isn't a negative as such. The distortion present in the active crossover is measured at about ten times less than that in a passive crossover, and this was one of the main reasons cited for the benefits of active operation. Another benefit was that active systems are relatively tunable thanks to the pots in the SNAXO.

As I mentioned earlier, there isn't really a downside to going active as such. However, bear in mind the reasons for going active: distortion and tuneability. The passive system can't be tuned, so this remains a benefit of active over passive operation (and could be the solution in awkward - typically bass-heavy - rooms).

Distortion was measured purely on the crossover. All things being equal (135s etc), the only place where one could make a big difference was in the active crossover. However, with the advent of the 500, all things aren't equal. The 500 has lower distortion levels, higher slew rate, and uses much much faster output devices than present in the 20-year-old 135.

Going active with 135s brings many benefits over standard 135s, but it doesn't fix the inherent faults in the 135 design. There are even some who say that you're simply multiplying the problems (though I don't hold with that view). The traditional Naim customer is one who appreciates improvements in pace, rhtyhm and timing over most other hifi aspects such as soundstage, space and detail. The 500 does more of the hifi stuff, but it also improves dramatically on the pace, rhythm and timing aspects of the system - improvements that you don't get by going active, and this is why it has been so successful. If you think about it, in the past this has been the argument of waiting until at least a 250 (preferably 135s) before going active. There were still some who preferred the 140 active scenario to the 250 passive one, but they were few.

Don't get me wrong. Improving the distortion in the crossover by going active is still a good thing and yes, we do have an active 500 SBL owner who is blissfully happy, but the Naim bang for buck ratio remains more than intact with the 500 and proves (to me certainly) that in the source-first hierarchy, the power amp comes before the crossover.


Posted on: 01 June 2001 by Ron The Mon
I am one of the dissenters who thinks active 140s(which I have) sound better than a 250 and prefer them over 135s. A few reasons why though; I live in a neighborhood with really bad RF. My 140s are virtually silent(some hiss, some breakthrough). The 250 also overheated and shut down after 30 minutes or so of listening. The 180 didn't exist at the time as I'm sure I probably would have gotten that.

Happily Active,
Ron The Mon
Posted on: 01 June 2001 by David Antonelli

Where do you get your naim equipment? I live across teh river in Windsor and shop at Audio Two, but there is no 500 on demo. Where do you stateside folks get your naim in Michigan?


Posted on: 02 June 2001 by Ron The Mon
With the exception of a few pieces, all my
hi-fi was purchased at Absolute Sound in Royal
Oak where I once worked almost twenty years
ago. I've gotten Naim equipment/updates from
Dr. Goodears in Mt. Pleasant(now defunct?) and
from a shop in Windsor which I believe is no
more(brothers Keith and Larry?). The Detroit
Naim dealer is Scott Ritchey. He's not far from you at all, he's right off Woodward Ave. and
I-696. About a 30 minute drive from your home.
I haven't talked to him in about a year, so I
don't know what he has currently. Check the
NANA dealer web page under Electromech Ass. for his number. He sells by appointment only, so
you'll need to call him. He's been in the hi-fi business for about 30 years and is very familiar with Naim, as well as selling Rega, Epos, etc. He's also a super-nice guy. If you pay him a visit, give me a ring to tag along as I live just down Woodward a few miles and am in the market for new Naim(not a 500 eek ).

Ron The Mon

Posted on: 02 June 2001 by Don Atkinson

Your 1st post gave the first upgrade steps as :-

Passive ---> Active
Passive ---> Active + Hicap

Does the NAXO or SNAXO need an external power supply (Hi-Cap; SuperCap)or can it be run alone, adding hicap/supercap as an optional upgrade ?

I am interested in your thread because I have a very similar front end to yours (up to the speakers) and am likewise wondering what would be the best step to take next.

The very limited listening I have done to active systems (mainly 2x250 into SBL and 6x135 into Isobariks and NBLs) has left me 'feeling' that the bass end is a bit 'light'; tuneful, fast, detailed etc, but 'light'. I also felt that some of the 'emotion' had been lost from many cd/lp but perhaps this was less distortion (where distortion = anything not on the original master tape) Perhaps ken c could comment ?



Posted on: 02 June 2001 by ken c
you do need a p/s for snaxo or naxo hicap or supercap. with snaxo, you can take full advantage of the supercap's supplies.

it is definitely NOT my experience that active operations robs some music of its emotion. if this were the case, i would have stayed well clear of it. in my description of the bottom end, the word "light" would not feature at all. in fact, quite the opposite is true -- the bass if much more securely positioned and asserts itself emphatically while remaining highly musical all the time.

of course, i have to accept that other people's experiences may be different, but as for me, active is the only way to go. i am told i might change my mind with nap500, but fortunately(?) cant afford that right now...



Posted on: 02 June 2001 by Martin Payne
The very limited listening I have done to active systems (mainly 2x250 into SBL and 6x135 into Isobariks and NBLs) has left me 'feeling' that the bass end is a bit 'light'; tuneful, fast, detailed etc, but 'light'


this has not been my experience at all.

The bass with six-pack Isobariks is a little leaner, but is much more informative, more powerful and much deeper.

In fact, better inevery way.

This is compared to passive drive with 2x135s and 4x135s.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 02 June 2001 by Don Atkinson
ken c & martin p

Many thanks for your comments, they have provided enough incentive to put an active system back in the 'frame' big grin

The simplest way forward is to sell the 135s and buy the 500, it sounded superb at Grahams a few months back. Net outlay around £8,000 - need to keep saving!

The least expensive is to sell the 135s and buy a 2nd hand Krell fpb300, a KSA100s sounded superb at Audio Excellence in Cardiff a couple of years ago . Net outlay around £3,000 and very little depreciation.

The most dificult is to add a SNAXO/supercap and another pair of 135s, all second hand, and hope I can get them to drive the Watt/Puppies (or else i'm back into the speaker market again!). Net outlay around £5,000 and again very little depreciation. [Just thought - I have a recently serviced 250 plus some NACA4 doing nothing, so I could try the active route with a SNAXO/supercap driving 1x250 plus pr 135s for perhaps less than £2,500.] cool

Martin - just a shlightish worry - you say 'bass with six-pack Isobariks is a little leaner' Perhaps that's what I had in mind when I used the word 'light'. Its devilish difficult to find the right words sometimes to really accurately describe a musical experience. [Come to think of it, there probably wouldn't be much point in the music if it was that easy to describe it in words, Beethoven would have just written the book 'Eroica' instead of his 3rd symphony] roll eyes Anyway, John in his original post was concerned to avoid ANY downside to an active system, even if it was just transient whilst 'making do' with a hicap powered NAXO awaiting the full blown SNAXO/supercap, so I though i'd just mention it in passing between the last Remy Martin & Mark Knopfler and the next Remy Martin & Paul Simon big grin Is it worth clarifying, or am I getting a just little bit too neurotic?



[This message was edited by Don Atkinson on SATURDAY 02 June 2001 at 23:15.]

Posted on: 02 June 2001 by ken c
i have not found the bass to be light in my active system. but i agree we are probably using different words to describe the same thing. when i went active, the bass player in almost all my jazz recordings was now playing in the same room as the others, as opposed to before, where it sounded like bass was (sort of) coming from another room just behind the other players.

on snaxo/supercap: honestly, you can start with snaxo/hicap and it will amply demonstrate the active benefit. the supercap just adds another notch, quite a significant one though -- but you certainly dont have to swallow that in one go.

if i am to believe what i am hearing about nap500, then all this talk about active with 135's etc, is a worthless proliferation of black boxes... (i exaggerate for dramatic effect...)

one of these days, i will ask to hear a 500 properly, not in passing. and driving naim speakers. if i ever felt i was ready for a 500 financially, i would ask for a full active 135's vs passive 500 into sbl's (or successor) demo.



Posted on: 02 June 2001 by John
Thanks for all the informative information guys. Based on the comments the each level of upgrade seems to be balanced. My biggest worry is getting more dynamic without the smoothness until I pop in a Supercap.

Does the SNAXO require a hicap to even operate? Is there anyway my current Supercap (for the 52) can be used?


Posted on: 02 June 2001 by ken c
Does the SNAXO require a hicap to even operate? yes

Is there anyway my current Supercap (for the 52) can be used? as far as i know, NO



Posted on: 03 June 2001 by Allan Probin
Is there anyway my current Supercap (for the 52) can be used?
Yes. Use a 5-pin Snaic from one of the 5-pin outputs on the Supercap to the Snaxo's input. Ron T knows all about this and might summarise the results for us relative to Snaxo/Hicap and Snaxo/dedicated-Supercap.


Posted on: 03 June 2001 by Martin Payne

the SNAIC-5 sockets on the back of the S/C are earthed differently, so you would need to pick the right one.

However, you should be aware that the power feeds to the Burndy & SNAICs are driven from the same voltage regulators, although one pair are not used unless a Prefix is powered through socket 2. Not sure if another pair of regs are freed up if the boards on input one are removed or passive.

If it turns out that the SNAXO is running from the regs which the 52 also uses they will eventually burn out.


Posted on: 03 June 2001 by Allan Probin
Must confess that I've not tried this myself but remembered a post by Ron Toolsie who had - and no one jumped in then to say you can't. Ron also posted about how this arrangement compared to Naxo/hicap and Naxo/Supercap but can't remember exactly the outcome (I vaguely remember that using the 52's Supercap was slightly better than giving the Naxo its own hicap).

Ron - help !
