Can you run a Prefix off a Snaps?
Posted by: Jens on 25 March 2002
Hi All,
I've got an opportunity to purchase a Prefix for my LP12 and am wondering if it it can be powered from a Snaps. I am currently using 2 hicaps with my 82, and am reluctant to go back to a single one since it is going to compromise the CD playback. Since I already have 2 hicaps I am a bit reluctant to cough up for a 3rd unless one fell into my lap here in Australia, and a supercap is just too pricey for the near future.
Is it worth using a snaps as a low cost, interim solution, or would this negate the advantage of the Prefix? If a snaps is worthwhile, does it matter in this instance whether it is is single or dual railed?
(PS Anybody in Oz want to get rid of a Hicap for a reasonable amount?)