Can you run a Prefix off a Snaps?

Posted by: Jens on 25 March 2002

Hi All,

I've got an opportunity to purchase a Prefix for my LP12 and am wondering if it it can be powered from a Snaps. I am currently using 2 hicaps with my 82, and am reluctant to go back to a single one since it is going to compromise the CD playback. Since I already have 2 hicaps I am a bit reluctant to cough up for a 3rd unless one fell into my lap here in Australia, and a supercap is just too pricey for the near future.

Is it worth using a snaps as a low cost, interim solution, or would this negate the advantage of the Prefix? If a snaps is worthwhile, does it matter in this instance whether it is is single or dual railed?

(PS Anybody in Oz want to get rid of a Hicap for a reasonable amount?)

Posted on: 26 March 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes

I've been a long-term user of a SNAPS to power my Prefix and it is more than capable of thge job, and will sound much better than the internal boards once the SNAPS is serviced.

I went from a Flatcap2 to my modified SNAPS, which is now considerably quieter than my FC2 and sounds better (IMO) to boot. Details available upon request, if you're so inclined.

As a minimum you'd need to get it dual-railed, and I'd recommend new connectors at the same time, they are likely to be very tarnished with age. There is a simple wiring mod that can reduce noise dramatically, and once this is done quieter regulators can be fitted if desired.

Just a Naim recap / service is likely to give you lots of pleasure, if you're not a 'soldering-iron' sort!

I certainly have no inclination whatsoever to change mine.


Posted on: 27 March 2002 by Jens
Jason & Andrew,

Thanks for the feedback, it has given me something to think about. As usual, it is always a question of money. The SNAPS seems like a good move, but I suppose you don't want to pay too much for it, because then you'd be better off with a Hicap. Postage to Australia = ca UK50, recapping here in Australia = ca UK50, so on that basis you wouldn't want to pay too much more than UK100, because then you are getting too the point where a Hicap is not that much more.

Has anybody compared SNAPS and Hicap when runing a Prefix? The general consensus seems to be that a Hicap is much better than a SNAPS for running a preamp. Does this also apply to the Prefix?


Posted on: 27 March 2002 by Andy Kirby
Hi Jens

Try searching the forum for Snaps2 and see what you get. I think the established hierarchy a few months ago was FC<FC2<Snaps<Snaps2<HiCap<SC, assuming they were all in decent shape regarding recapping etc.

I think the Snaps represents a bit of a bargain and if you can undertake some of the modifications available and recap it for your self, a lot of fun.

