Naim amplifier 135

Posted by: Tuan on 18 June 2001

I wonder if Naim Audio will implement the technology of the 500 Amp into the 135 mono-block in the near future (or the 250 stereo amp) as their design have not beed modified during the last 15-20 years I guess.
Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Tony L
I wonder if Naim Audio will implement the technology of the 500 Amp into the 135 mono-block in the near future (or the 250 stereo amp) as their design have not beed modified during the last 15-20 years I guess.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!


Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Sproggle
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

A valid point - to the best of my knowledge, the 250 and 135 still beat any similarly priced competition.

However, those who have written on this forum about their experiences with the 500 make it seem like a huge advance on anything that has gone before. Also, it must have cost Naim a great deal of money to have the 500's output transistors designed and manufactured to their specification, and I'd be surprised if they were planning to restrict these to a single, very expensive product with relatively limited sales potential.

Consequently, it wouldn't surprise me at all if in two or three years time the only members of the current power amp range still in production were the new 150 and 500...


Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Allan Probin
How about a mono version of the NAP500. Not in the conventional sense of having the left and right amp boards in separate cases, but two mono power supplies, each power supply having the same torroid and smoothing capacity as the power supply in the stereo version.

Wonderful news for upgraders, but who wants to hold on to an expensive power supply they can't use. What we need is a 2nd hand market for redundant 500PS's. Ta-da, how about a cut down version of the NAP500 that's just like a 500 but the channels aren't bridged. And from now on, the amps and power supplies are sold separately.

This should close the loop nicely:

You buy a new 250/5 (or whatever its called) and either a new or 2nd hand 500PS. A while later you trade-in the amp box for the full 500 box. Then when your ready, you buy the mono supplies and sell your stereo supply to the guy at the bottom of the cycle

Bring it on ...


Posted on: 18 June 2001 by David Dever
How about a mono version of the NAP500. Not in the conventional sense of having the left and right amp boards in separate cases, but two mono power supplies, each power supply having the same torroid and smoothing capacity as the power supply in the stereo version. Wonderful news for upgraders, but who wants to hold on to an expensive power supply they can't use. What we need is a 2nd hand market for redundant 500PS's. Ta-da, how about a cut down version of the NAP500 that's just like a 500 but the channels aren't bridged. And from now on, the amps and power supplies are sold separately.

But you wouldn't need the entire 500PS, mono or stereo, if the item to be powered wasn't a bridged design.

You've got six supplies per channel as it is (input +/-, board 1 +/-, board 2 +/-)--you might only need a separate +/- supply for each channel (as with each channel of a NAP 135), with maybe a pair of low-current supplies for the input stage (which also may not be necessary with a non-bridged design)...

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Allan Probin
that never stopped Supercaps being sold to 82 owners.
Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Andrew Randle

I asked Roy George this question, and although the NAP 150 has a similar bridged output topology, the transistors are not the same as those on the NAP 500.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Rico
I wonder if Naim Audio will implement the technology of the 500 Amp into the 135 mono-block in the near future (or the 250 stereo amp) as their design have not beed modified during the last 15-20 years I guess.

Come on Tuan - speak your mind! What you really want is a Nait 500, eh! wink

PS - nice to see you back!

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 21 June 2001 by Tuan

For the integrated amp, I have auditioned the new ML integrated. It is about 10,000 canadian dollars. It sounds really good. However, having a first real introduction to Naim (by Mike Hanson), I may build my Naim gear in the near future. I already got a 92R, Flatcap and a CD3. I am toying with the idea of getting a 250 (or may be a pair 135 to get thing going and knowing that in the distance future will end up with 52/super cap and a Naim source). Well as I said before HiFi is just an expensive hobby for fortunated people to handle stress in our busy life.