While everyones on the subject of speakers...

Posted by: seagull on 01 May 2002

I currently have an LP12 NAC42/NAP140 and will shortly be getting a CD5, QS stands and some NACA5 (to replace my NACA4 cables that have been attacked by the hamster).

I am also looking to change my speakers (v. old Celestion Ditton 200's). So far I have auditioned the following (A/B/C comparison); B&W 603, Dynaudio Audience 62, Kef Q5.

I preferred the Q5s and borrowed them for a long weekend (i.e. over Easter) and gave them a damn good thrashing. I could live with them quite happily but are there any other speakers out there that I should try before commiting myself to the Q5's?

My budget is around £600 but I negotiated a CD5 rather than a Planet so there may be some scope for increasing this (or maybe not since I already strecthed the budget with the CDP!).

Please - no advice on power supplies instead etc. I can justify the expense on speakers 'cos her indoors hates my present ones and it was her suggestion that I change them (she also quite liked the curvy looks of the Q5s) but not on a box that, outwardly at least, does not add to the functionaility of the system (yes I know - source first!).
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Alex S.
How's the hamster? I'm worried.


BTW My speaker advice is just what you don't want to hear: s/h Kans and a 32.5/HC.
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by seagull
but not as a direct result of cable gnawing (or my reaction when I found out!)

My 2 year old daughter keeps pointing to the (now empty) cage in the garage and says 'Hammy - asleep!' so I suppose we will have to get a new one - but I'll be more careful when we let it out for a run.
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Alex S.
NACA 5's a bit tougher.

My kids keep barking and asking for puppies so a hamster may arrive as compensation. Unfortunately, I have DNM cable at home, its so thin the average ant could bite through it in one go.

Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Top Cat
Two houserabbits (the "monsters") are the reason I stick with NAC-A5 on the second system. They've already been through some other cables, and I am willing in this case to sacrifice sound quality for relative rabbit-proofing (NAC-A5 is a bit tougher than DNM Reson to bunny teeth, although this pair can make short work of most any consumer level cable- power chords a speciality, and there's...

no f**king way they're getting near my SPM

big grin

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

My old cat Eric watched me with great interest while I made a cable up for my Quad 33 and 303 and the next day nothing came out, he had chewed right through it, should have left it powered up I guess.

Pete Mad Bad & Dangerous to Know
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by seagull
I'd rather have some suggestions for speakers to audition rather than 'My pets eaten more cable than your pet' posts cool
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Dr. Exotica
My speaker advice is just what you don't want to hear: s/h Kans and a 32.5/HC.

I agree with Alex here - *Kans sitting downstream of a 32-5/Hi-Cap have tremendous energy. I initially had my Tukans driven by a 32-5/110 combo. When I upgraded with a second-hand Hi-Cap and 250, I found that their modest bass improved tremendously. The Tukans provided me with everything I hoped for. At this point, I have absolutely no desire to upgrade either the 250 or the Tukans (e.g., go to 135s or get some big Spendors, etc.).

Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Alex S.
is that larger pets find them bite size.

Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Andrew Randle
I'd rather have some suggestions for speakers to audition rather than 'My pets eaten more cable than your pet' posts

OK, Linn Katans could be what you need. They're stand mounted, but have plenty of bass. They're £630, the stands (which you'll need) are another £130.

They're fast, well balanced and are more expressive than the Kan IIs. One of the most articulate loudspeakers I've ever heard.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Stephen Bennett
I have Intro IIs on the end of my LP12/CD3.5/flat/72/hi/140. I like them a lot. They have plenty of bass for me and while, patiently are not SBLs, they do have the Naim 'sound' if that's what you're after. Definitly worth a dekko.
