round earth calling flat earth..........round earth calling flat earth

Posted by: John Schmidt on 28 February 2001

For those that are interested, Stereophile has just posted on their site a review from their archives (October 2000) of the NBLs:


John Schmidt
"90% of everything is crud" - Theodore Sturgeon

Posted on: 28 February 2001 by Tony L
Has anyone ever seen a bad review of any Naim product from Paul Messenger? He loves the stuff - he should join in on the forum. Clearly a chap to rival Mick in taste.

Indeed, until Paul M does come here how is he supposed to know that his equipment stand is ugly?

Go tell him Mickā€¦


Posted on: 28 February 2001 by Steve Toy
On hearing the CDS2/NAC52/NAP250/Rega Naos, JM Lab Mini Utopia combination it was all very round earth to me! I left the listening room to confirm, leaving the door open, and it was more flat earth. Soundstaging in addition to PR&T can be distracting - too much information for the brain to cope with at the same time. But it was definitely doing both!