Stand alone DAC - Advise sought

Posted by: Chris Brandon on 16 June 2001

Hi Folks,

I am looking for advise on a suitable DAC to partner an Arcam Delta 170.3 standalone transport unit.

I would prefer not to use the "obligitory" Arcam unit,as I much prefer a more "Naim" style sound.

So,what kit should I be looking at ?

Thanks in advanse



Posted on: 17 June 2001 by Jez Quigley
get a second hand Linn Numerik for around £400 and have 2 digital sockets and run your Arcam CD and a DVD player through it. Get a proper Linn digital interconnect made up though.
Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Martin M
An Audio Synthesis DAX-2 or DAX Decade. Both are similar in sound to one another but the Decade has a volume control built in and so is not strictly necessary in a Naim system. With the matching AS Transcend transport these will give a CDS-2 a run for its money and make the Linn and Rega sound like mush. With the Arcam I bet its still damn good.
Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Chris Dolan
Hi Chris

What other equipment are you using at the moment?

Although it is tempting to say that you should try out the Naim CD players much depends on what else you are using and what you are seeking to achieve.

If you are looking at older DACs, I used a Merdian 203 DAC for some time with an Arcam transport, it was ok, and it is probably better than most! I know that Naim don't do Bitstream but so what!

My opinion: Forget the Arcam, try a CDX and work up.

Chris wink

Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Steve G
I use a Meridian 203 DAC in my bedroom system with a Micromega Leader II used as a transport, NAC92R & NAP90.3 amps into Mission 731LE's. I like the sound of the Meridian DAC but I wouldn't classify it as having a Naim style sound - in fact one of the reasons I like it is that it's a bit smoother and tamer, which suited the system I bought it for.

You can get the 203 for around 100 quid or so it's not an expensive option if you want to give an external DAC a try.
