SBL v Spendor SP2
Posted by: John3 on 23 December 2001
I used the original SP2s for more than 10 years before buying SBLs. However, after 3 years with the SBLs, a year ago I moved back to Spendor, this time to SP2/3s. The rest of my system is CDS2/52/250. Here are my thoughts on these two speakers.
The SBL bass is fast, tight, punchy and rhythmic producing a level of excitement to music I had not heard before, and as I recall this is what made me change to SBLs in the first place, as well as wishing to have an all Naim system. With the SP2s, the bass comes across as looser, softer and slower, but gives the impression of being far bigger in scale, heavier, fatter, more powerful and overall I feel produces the greater impact. I did find the SBL mid to have great clarity, but over the 3 years I had them I always felt something was missing compared to what I could remember of the original SP2s. Now that I am back with Spendor again I think it was something to do with SBL mid range tone, which at times could sound a bit lean and sparse, particularly on vocals, possibly due to the lack of bass bloom. The SBL sound also appeared to be confined within each box giving it a small-scale sound and a flat perspective. In comparison, the SP2 presents the sound in a more rounded way, solid and in the room and with a very natural mid range, whilst still retaining a good amount of excitement. The SBL bass plays deep but to my ears appears detached, either on or off, coming into play only when needed, whereas the Spendor gives the impression of listening to a single integrated driver with the bass reinforcing the mid.
Maybe what I am hearing is bass boom in the SP2s and perhaps the Naim approach is the correct one. Certainly the SBL is the more rhythmic and exiting, but my preference is currently towards Spendor on this, because I feel the overall presentation of the Spendor bass/mid driver produces a sound that is more natural, balanced and is easier to live with in the long term.
Not a lot to say about the top end, finding it very similar, I think they even use the same treble unit though implemented in different ways.
Maybe all I’ve done here is describe the difference between the flat and round approach to these matters, but can there not be a third way? If your only priority is an instant shot of rhythm and short-term excitement, get the SBLs, it’s all you need. However if you search longer-term satisfaction, want a more balanced and natural sound and are prepared to trade off some excitement, get the SP2s. Put Naim electronics with Spendor and you might get close to the best of both worlds.
Let me leave you with this example. Listen to the Hendrix version of All Along the Watchtower - on SBLs the opening seconds will probably have you immediately jumping out of the chair playing air guitar (you’ve all done this haven’t you?!), but before the track ends you may have stopped or changed the track, it being too much of a good thing. Listen on SP2s and you will probably stay in your chair, tap your feet and move your head, but the difference being that you will almost certainly want to listen to the end of the track. Short-term excitement v long-term satisfaction?
PS anyone else noticed Spendor’s new black half moon logo – familiar or what?!