Naim 3 or Nait 5 amplifier

Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 31 March 2002

I´m looking for a new amplifier!I´ve got the chance to buy a Naim Nait 3,but when I call the dealer this weekend it was sold! frown Now I think I will buy a Nait 5 wich is very good looking!I give importance to design,too!Wich are the main differences between Nait 5 and 3?I was looking for a smooth and fast sound,I didn´t have the chance to ear Naim Nait 5 yet!Is it superior to Nait 3?
Posted on: 31 March 2002 by J.N.
The '5' is vastly superior in my opinion; having much more depth to the sound.

The '3' is fast and relatively ballsy, but very two dimensional by comparison.

The '5' offers more inputs and the ability to 'level-match' them also. Full remote control. Most 3's were not.

I wouldn't pay a lot for a s/h '3'. Naits 1 and 2 sound much better.

Posted on: 31 March 2002 by Scott Mckenzie
Originally posted by J.N.:
The '5' is vastly superior in my opinion; having much more depth to the sound.

The '3' is fast and relatively ballsy, but very two dimensional by comparison.

The '5' offers more inputs and the ability to 'level-match' them also. Full remote control. Most 3's were not.

I wouldn't pay a lot for a s/h '3'. Naits 1 and 2 sound much better.

I demoed the 2 and much preferred the 3, I got a £r on a n excellent deal aswell. The 5 didn't seem to ahve the Naim sound I had heard in other systems, it seemed less upfront and attacking, preferring a much more laid back approach (not Arcam laid back, but definitely compared to the 3).

This highlights my point, the only way to tell is to listen to them both and make your own decision, many folk will prefer one, just as many will prefer the other so....its your call.

Posted on: 31 March 2002 by plynnplynn
My Nait 3 has been an excellent purchase. I highly recommend it. But if in doubt you need to listen to it. Even in dealers can get it for £350.
