New arm or phono stage for LP12?

Posted by: Neville on 07 January 2002

I currently have an LP12/lingo/cirkus/ittokLVII/klyde running into MC boards in a 102. What would give a bigger improvement, upgrading the arm, or buying an external phono stage?
If the vote is for the phono stage, I've seen recommendationds for the Tom Evans Microgroove, but does anyone have experience of the EAR 834? (prefix/hicap is more than I want to spend).
Posted on: 07 January 2002 by John G.
I would say a better arm like an Ekos into the 102 would outperform your Ittok into a better phono section.

Though perhaps your current deck on a Mana Reference support would outperform either of the above on a lesser support.

Now the hard part is finding a dealer to do these comparisons for you.

Posted on: 07 January 2002 by Bob Edwards

As good as the Ittok LV2 is, it is the limiting factor (along with, many would say, the Lingo). I'd suggest trying the Aro and the Ekos; my personal preference these days is for the Aro.

Once you have the arm sorted out, upgrade the Klyde. Lots of possibilities--the Arkiv B, the Lyra Helikon, a rebuilt Troika, the Dyna XX-2 or Te Kaitora or XV1, etc. Listener actually got the Klyde about right--not bad, but better cartridges exist even at the same price point.



Posted on: 08 January 2002 by woodface
I would go for the Ekos first, don't sweat over the lingo as it is a fine piece of kit it just doesn't have the naim badge on the front which some object to. If you like the Linn Lp12 sound then the naim bits may disapoint. Ultimately I'm sure your wallet is not a bottomless pit and it would be expensive to start over. With regard to cartridge, always remember that whatever you spend you will have to spend again in two years!
Posted on: 08 January 2002 by David Stewart
If you do decide to upgrade your Ittok, I'd be interested in acquiring it to replace my existing Basik+. E-mail me ( if you're interested.

David S
Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Carl Leermakers

Also have a LP12/lingo/cirkus/ittokLVIII/klyde running into MC boards in a 102-NAPSC. Since last Friday I have a Hi-Cap on the 102. I would say the Hi-Cap is really very good money spent, in this system (and also benefits your other sources, of course).


Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Phil Barry
Been pretty much there, done pretty much that.

Jason has it: PSUs on the 102, arm, in that order, then cart/phonostage in any order. I expect the Lingo will work out fine. Everybody with good taste prefers the ARO; you might like the Ekos. If you do, just admit you have tin ears and enjoy rour Ekos. :-)

As good as the Ittok is, Ekos and ARO are immensely better, but I think you'd almost definitely find the PSUs are a better first step.


Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Frank Abela
Hey Jason,

Which issue is out at the moment and when's the next one due???

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Andrew Randle
Go for the arm first. Remember... source first.

If you want the LP12 to start sounding like a CDS, then buy an Aro (with an Armegeddon and prefix the transformation is complete). If you want it to sound like an LP12 then buy an Ekos.

Then go for the phono stage... try the Linto, Microgroove or Stageline with Hi-Cap.


Andrew Randle
The frightening thing is not dying
The frightening thing is not living

Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Frank Abela
I hijacked the thread without a response. I think it would be better to change the arm. An Ekos or ARO would provide significant benefits in all aspects of musical reproduction over an Ittok (though there is somebody about who prefers the Ittok to both the EKOS and ARO). Personally I'd vote with an ARO, but you'd expect that...

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Andrew Randle

Well I traded the CDX for an LP12/Lingo (using the Akito/K9 from my Basic). A very goovitacious combination.

Amps are likely to be going to a mate of mine, I've got to see if he hasn't bought a Triumph Spitfire instead...

Kans, well I will have to try them out against the Katans before I decide.


Andrew Randle
The frightening thing is not dying
The frightening thing is not living

Posted on: 08 January 2002 by woodface
Have you now gone the Linn route throughout your system? Any particular reason apart from the obvious?
Posted on: 08 January 2002 by Neville
Thanks for the replies, I already have a NAPSC and Hicap on the 102. The electronics are sat on Quadraspire Reference, with the LP12 on a QS Ref wallshelf, only installed a couple of weeks ago. I did demo the Aro and Ekos when thay came out, and agree they are both a significant improvement over an Ittok. Trouble is, I heard one dem where the Aro was superior, and another where the Ekos was the clear winner. These were at different dealers (I moved home), so I'm confused which to go for, and I'd be looking to buy secondhand as the new prices are outrageous (particularly the Ekos).
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by woodface
On reading the latest edition of hi-fi + I was struck by a sense of de ja vu while perusing the 'border patrol' review. The article basically repeats itself every few paragraphs! Do they not have proof readers, this spoils an otherwise excellent magazine!
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Frank Abela
Where the hell can I get the latest copy of HiFi+ ??? (And what month is the latest?) WHSmith in Bracknell (a very large shop in a concrete jungle) doesn't appear to have it in.

I'll just have to pop into Smiths at Reading I guess. I wish HiFi+ could sort out their distributors - getting a hold of this magazine is a pain in the butt. Doesn't help that it's full of typos (someone PLEASE tell the editor that "it's" means "it is" and "its" is a possessive, not the other way around) but it's a fairly good yarn, except possibly for that crazy Jason Hector who's bought those slow American-sounding DV amps...<grin>

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Chris L
Where the hell can I get the latest copy of HiFi+ ???

Beats me, I ended up picking up a copy at Phonography in Ringwood - couldn't find it in any Smith's. You might have to order it :-(

Chris L

Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Frank Abela
I understand your confusion Neville. Consider this: in future, do you intend to go with a Linn Arkiv2 or with an alternative make of cartridge? I think the Arkiv2 works well in the Ekos, but not so well in the ARO.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Andrew Randle

That Ortofon cartidge you played for me was well-nice. Was it the Kontrapunkt A? Very open sounding, responsive and got into the inner-detail of the instruments. Worth trying at £500, and the Kontrapukt B is £750.


Andrew Randle
The frightening thing is not dying
The frightening thing is not living

Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Frank Abela
It was the B (of course:). The B is significantly better than the A. I haven't tried them on the Ittok or Ekos so I don't know what the match would be like. They work a dream in the ARO.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Neville
Within say 150 miles of Oxford?
I believe the Aro costs about £1000, which I might stretch to, but the Ekos is nearer £1500, so I'd have to look secondhand. Is there anything to be wary of in the unlikely event that I find a s/h Aro?
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Frank Abela:
Where the hell can I get the latest copy of HiFi+

Yeah, Frank, you tell him.

It's not available in any local shops I can find. Have to do without. (I'm not about to subscribe).

cheers, Martin