New CDX against s/h CDS1 (1994/5)
Posted by: Roland Huu on 04 August 2001
input will be valuable to me.
Existing system..
1. Intro II
2. NAC112/NAP150
3. CD3.5+Flatcap
I've decided on a HiCap for the 112. I'm looking
at a CDX but the dealer mentioned I should consider either a 1994 or 1995 CDS1 instead.
No CDX in stock so the comparison will be
CD5+Flatcap2 and the CDS1. I don't think
it's a fair comparison but I should listen to it
I guess.
My concern is the age of the equipment and the
s/h CDS1 still cost more than the new CDX.
I believe the CDS1 & 2 to be superior sources to a CDX by some margin (especially without an external power supply for the latter).
But I would say that £2500-ish for a 1994-ish CDS may well be over the odds - so haggle.
BTW, if you can keep the Flat-Cap when you trade-in the CD3.5, then it will go nicely on the 112.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Of course, when I got it home, it was problematic until 2 days ago. It just lacked magic. When I reversed the SNAIC to use the correct directionality, the magic arrived. (Luckily, I had the burndy attached correctly from the beginning.)
It's a risk, apparently in 2 areas. First, the nextel ring on the drive, upon which the CD sits needs to be in good shape. Second, it if sits without being played for a month or more, it loses its ability to spin.
So check the Nextel ring, and use the CDS regularly if you buy it. For a pic of a GOOD (like, pristine) ring, search for Arthur Bye's forum contributions.
Some say you need Mana - I use a Sound Frame, so I don't if if Mana really is a requirement.
Some say it needs a black burndy. You probably won't get that with a used CDS. I don't find it necessary - but I'm still grooving on how much better this is than my previous player, which I liked far better than the CD3 and CDI.
Mike, are you so well acquainted with the CDSI that you can dole out such unequivocal advice? Or is this just a little more hearsay?
Rico - let them eat Kans.
Both are still excellent players though, and you should demo them in the context of your own system.
It's really difficult to make a serious mistake here.
Arthur Bye
Mike, are you so well acquainted with the CDSI that you can dole out such unequivocal advice? Or is this just a little more hearsay?
I've never heard the CDS1. However, I've read myriad comments from people who have. Although there have been a couple of reports that the CDX is preferable to the CDS1, they are about as rare as those claiming that say a 3.5/Flat is better than a CDX. IOW, complete bollocks.
Therefore, even though I haven't done the dem myself, I feel confident in summarizing the many comparisons that have been relayed on the forum. Besides, I can't learn everything first hand. You have to be able to trust in the shared experience of others, especially when it's as overwhelmingly consistent as this.
Of course, everything is up to personal interpretation.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Personally, I prefer the CDS1. In my system, nothing else comes close. I just need find the cash.
It should be on its way to my home in the next
couple of days and I'm keeping the Flatcap for the 112.
Likewise, in this case it is heart-warming to note you have even appended your opinion with the tag "bollocks" - rather impressive, considering you have not heard the player in question.
Keep on listening to the music.
Rico - let them eat Kans.
Not feeling argumentative at all Mike - just sad to note that you're (at least, consistently) expounding your own or other people's opinions on kit that you've never even heard.
I was wondering, Rico, whether you had ever repeated something that you learned from a 3rd-party, without disclaiming it as hearsay. Is nothing accepted as "fact" until you investigate it yourself? Do you learn nothing from others who have more experience than you? Do you present all of your bits of wisdom in two categories: things I've learned myself, versus things I've learned from others? Is the information you learned from others less valuable than your personal obvservations?
There have been many reports of the CDS1's superiority over the CDX, and almost none taking the opposite stance. That's enough evidence for me to accept and believe that the CDS1 is better. If someone asks for little tidbit of info, I'll offer it up with a clear conscience.
Likewise, in this case it is heart-warming to note you have even appended your opinion with the tag "bollocks"
Getting a little sensitive, are we? Admit it: you are being argumentative. Don't pull a Mr. Pig on us, and get all self righteous.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
There have been many reports of the CDS1's superiority over the CDX, and almost none taking the opposite stance. That's enough evidence for me to accept and believe that the CDS1 is better. If someone asks for little tidbit of info, I'll offer it up with a clear conscience.quote:
Likewise, in this case it is heart-warming to note you have even appended your opinion with the tag "bollocks"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting a little sensitive, are we? Admit it: you are being argumentative. Don't pull a Mr. Pig on us, and get all self righteous.
Mr Pig and I have the odd fundamental item in common, such as a love of those Kan thingies, and a respect for that funny iron furniture... but self-righteous? moi? "Missing the point" springs to mind here.
I will not admit to an argumentative stance here - I clearly take issue with your expounding as gospel something you have not experienced. And attempting to underscore it, makes it all the more entertaining! Your gaffe, I beleive.
There have been many reports of the CDS1's superiority over the CDX, and almost none taking the opposite stance. That's enough evidence for me to accept and believe that the CDS1 is better.
If you would apply such logic to choosing a source, I am surprised you have gotten as far as you have, and as successfully. I am amazed you did not end up with a Krell CD player? Or a Rega Planar 3. Oh - you have.
Lets consider that further. "Oh, enough people say the Corvair is dangerous and a bad handler"... oh, and so is the VW Beetle... all nasty rear-engined cars - they must be bad, and that's all I need. Hardly anyone says they're great handling drivers cars, so I will join the mob, never mind about driving one myself to evaluate... [shouting] "the corvair and beetle are bad! Buy the S.U.V.!" [/shouting] "errrr, no, I've only driven the Explorer, but what the hey. Oh, you don't agree with me, and point out the flaw in my logic? Well the hell with you, I'll tag you as argumentative, sensitive, and self-righteous, as well as calling to task your approach to the world and how you sense things. Yeah - dats better."
I guess you must have been a water-baby, Mike - you're certainly not afraid to jump on in to situations or arguments in which you are clearly out of your depth. But whey-hey - you have a right to express... errr, "others" opinions amongst your own, right? I'll certainly defend your right to do so - it is a fundamental of free speech.
Argumentative? Arse.
Oh, and one final point. You will note that I have never argued that the CDX is better. Or the CDSI is better. Just that any prospective purchaser owes it to themselves to listen to both before buying! On the basis that we hear things differently and the two players do certain things rather differently.
Rico - let them eat Kans.
At the same time, we have to keep things in perspective. We're talking stereos here, which is a rather subjective topic. Music playback is all about personal opinion, and one opinion is probably as good as the next. Therefore, "right" and "wrong" don't exist, in the normal sense.
Since it is so subjective, the caveat "listen for yourself" always applies. I would hope that everyone recognizes that already. Therefore, they're trying to get a general concensus, possibly to save themselves some energy in their searches, or possibly to vindicate their own observations. Within this context, and considering how people eschew the forum's search facility, I believe it's acceptable and efficient to summarize past messages in response to new postings of old questions.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I much prefer the cdx/xps to the bare cdx, and in comparison to the cdx/xps the cdsii is sublime.
I use a cdx/xps, but I had the opportunity to hear the cdsii again today - and I wish I hadn't.
Having said that, I still prefer my lp12.
My strong memory is that the initial forum consensus was that the CDX was not worse than the CDS, when the CDX was new. I do not remember when it changed, or even if it has. After all, the pro-CDXers may be listening to their CDXs instaed of joining an argument.
I do think that the CDX may have an edge in some hifi ways; more detail, perhaps. If that's what one wants - and it is a reasonablechoice - you'll probably prefer the CDX.
This is like choosing between Hagen-Daz ice cream and Ben and Jerry's. Both are great, but you might like one over the other because of your personal taste. There's no right or wrong here (except for the Mana is required part).
Mike: I think that I'm with Rico on this one. I've heard a lot about your beloved Albions over the years, but I would not want to make a definitive statement about their sound without actually hearing them. I might however, make conjecture with the approiate caveats.
And Vuk: Repeat after me....XPS/XPS/XPS/XPS/XPS/XPS/XPS/XPS/XPS....... (all will be revealed grasshopper)
Arthur Bye
I see the young grasshopper has taken the stone from my hand.
Dunno about the photo though, your camera on LSD or something?
Arthur Bye
I listened to the CDS1
It should be on its way to my home in the next
couple of days
I am certain you have made the right choice.
(Of course, I have never listened to either player; I'm very happy with my Technics mini-system)
Have you auditioned the CDS2?
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
you have just reminded me of the "david-goliath" battle between these two companies in the early days of Ben and Jerry's. i am sure pleased that ben and jerry's won and survived.
sorry, completely off topic.
Christ, if 2.5K of CD and 6K of Naim gear sounds awful without Mana then they should give up making hi-fi.
Regards, Steve (who has lots of Naim gear and Mana but likes a bit of perspective on the Forum now and again?)
Chris Bell
(Mana free for 226 days, 14 hours, 3 minutes, 10 seconds and counting)
The CDS2/52 on the other hand sounds magical.
Alex Schouvaloff
(Chris Bell free for 1 day, 17 hours, 21 minutes, 12 seconds and counting)
I too was very pleased with the outcome of this sordid episode. I no longer touch Hagen Daaz but have a freezer full of Chunky Monkey, Chubby Hubby and The Full Vermonty. I am also rather fat.
relax. so am i. and so is (was) ben (i think)... where do you get your ben & jerry's??