But I've done it a few more times than he has methinks!
One good thing he suggests for the DIYer at home is to use a wood plank. If you didn't, you'd probably melt the plug since you'd let the 4mm pin heat up. Those with a bit more experience can do the job direct to the plug since they are used to it and don't let the pin heat up (this is where I differ with P's suggestion).
P mentions checking which pin to use as positive. This is important! When soldering the amp ends of the cables, it is important that you solder one set of pins with the positive on the left pin and one with the positive on the right pin. Then, you will have left and right set up correctly such that the 'Pos' tabs of the plugs will be on the outside and won't foul on each other. To see what I mean, try the unsoldered plugs in the amp, you'll see that - looking from behind - the pins should be Pos-Neg-Neg-Pos. Therefore, to dress the cables neatly, it's important to solder the plugs in this way. Not so interested in the speaker ones since turning them over is just a neatness issue, but dressing the amp cables usually means less lateral pressure on the connections in the amp. Here's the procedure I usually use:
Unscrew the top of the plug. Put in a safe place.
Take a vice and clamp it to the plastic part of the plug that holds the pins such that you can still solder into them easily. We have a vice that grabs horizontally. This way the pins are vertical and I'm looking down when soldering. In other words, don't clamp top to bottom of the plug base, but side to side.
Orient the pins so they're pretty much up and down with reswpect to the short sides of the plug.
Cut about 2 - 3 inches of the centre strip of NACA5 away.
Strip half an inch off the end of the cable (not just 5mm).
Holding the cable between left thumb and forefinger, take one set of pliers and squeeze together the copper strands so they fan out vertically. You can be firm, it won't bite back! Do it to both positive and negative run on the cable. Remember, locate the positive run by the ridge on the outside of the plastic sheath.
The strands should now slide nicely into the pin. Push them down onto the pin first. Then, holding them down with a finger placed over the top, slide the cable forward so that it becomes a tight fit to the sheathed portion of cable.
Hold cable between legs so it doesn't move (ooh-err).
Grab hot 5mm iron and tin the iron a little.
Lay the tip of the iron flat on the pin keeping the strands in the pin-head.
Rotate the tip clockwise a little (as if upturning a rock looking for frogs). Feed some solder in. The combination of hot tip and slowly heating cable should make the solder flow into place.
Close the tip over the pin-head to help the flow. Keep feeding until you just see the solder flow to the plastic sheath, alternately opening and closing the the tip of the iron to help it along. Try not to do too much as it will make the sheath melt (and you'll probably have melted the plastic base). But you do want it to reach the sheath since this keeps the cable airtight.
Pull the tip off the pin as soon as you can. Hold the cable in place for a few seconds to let it dry.
Repeat the process for the second pin.
After the second has dried (just a few seconds), take wire cutters and snap the protruding ends of the (now tinned) cables to the pinhead.
While the cable is still warm, take pliers and squeeze the positive and negative cables toward each other (near the base of the pins) so the cable will fit easily through the plughole when you attach its top. Give it a few minutes before doing that.
That's how I was taught to do it. Maybe you should find a decent dealer who can do it, or wait until yours has built up the experience and has some more plugs in backup so he can make yours up!