headline and power supplies.
Posted by: GC on 18 February 2002
can anybody tell me if the headline powered by a hicap is better than when powered by a napsc? i've just upgraded from 2 hicaps on a 82 to a supercap and now have spare hicaps, i will need to buy a slic to get the hicaps going with the headline and im just wondering if its worth it or should i just ged rid of both to maybe finance a xps? ive got the grado rs1 headphones fyi. not using them much at the moment but they will be used an awful lot when i move in with my girlfriend in a month or two!
Posted on: 18 February 2002 by Christopher
So how is it? Did it make THAT much difference?
Posted on: 18 February 2002 by GC
i think so. its opened everything up completely, ive got what could be called a "mullet" system at the moment, cdx,82,super,250 and compass' but finally im very happy with the sound of it all and i finally think its all been worthwhile!
Posted on: 19 February 2002 by Kevinbro
I've listened to headline powered Senn HD600's via HCAP and NAPSC. The HCAP powered headline was better. Cleaner, more detailed and more involving sound. How much is difficult to quantity. But it does sound better! I would think a Supercap powered headline would be even better but that's probably overkill!
Keep your HCAP and power your headline with it. You won't be dissapointed.
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by GC
cheers kevin, ive ordered a slic today and i'll let you know my findings next week!
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Christopher
Did you want to sell one of the hi-caps?
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by GC
hi christopher,
i think im going to keep both, ones going into second hifi on a 102 and the other one is going on the headline. if i was to sell one its very old anyhow and you'd be better off getting one thats just a couple of years old.
cheers - gus