Van Den Hul CS - 122 spaeker cable
Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 04 June 2002
today I call my dealer asking for a Naim NACA 5 !I´ve got VDH CS 122 and I want to change it for NACA 5!BTW I was using Qued Silver but at the moment I´m listening VDH CS 122 again!Tomorrow I will listen it exaustively to make a judge!My dealer told to me to use VDH CS 122 with a VDH interconnect(More money to spend I´ve got a Kimber Hero)!VDH has silver and NACA 5 no,so it´s better for him!anyone using VDH can help me?He told me that Naca 5 were for a all Naim sistem!anyone who heard a VDH cables in a Naim sistem,please give me your opinion
today I call my dealer asking for a Naim NACA 5 !I´ve got VDH CS 122 and I want to change it for NACA 5!BTW I was using Qued Silver but at the moment I´m listening VDH CS 122 again!Tomorrow I will listen it exaustively to make a judge!My dealer told to me to use VDH CS 122 with a VDH interconnect(More money to spend I´ve got a Kimber Hero)!VDH has silver and NACA 5 no,so it´s better for him!anyone using VDH can help me?He told me that Naca 5 were for a all Naim sistem!anyone who heard a VDH cables in a Naim sistem,please give me your opinion