Naim CD5 vs Ikemi vs CDX help needed.
Posted by: DUPREE on 03 June 2001
Well I made a very unfortunate decision, against all better judgement, I took a CD5 home for a in-home demo in my all Linn System (Kollektor/2xLK140/LP-12/Mimik/AV5140B) After hearing all the hype I was curious as to whether this cd player was really any good. Now, I have it all hooked up and it is amazing, by far one of the more dramatic improvements I have heard in my system. It is rich, involving, all of that CD type harshness is mostly gone. It blew my Mimik out of the water (Of course that is a 4 year old player). My question is, the dealer has a demo CDX that I could also purchase for about the same price as CD5 w/Flatcap. Is this player much better than the already excelent CD5 even without outboard power. Also, would it make any sense to use this CD Player in the system I have, I had heard that some Naim gear does not like the hash that the Brilliant Powersupply's in the Linn gear (Switchmode) put back in the line. I had always assumed I would just buy the Ikemi when I was ready to upgrade, but this put's a fly in the ointment because it makes my system sound soo good. What are your thoughts..
P.S. interestingly enough the Naim and Linn remotes are completely compatible, I can control the CD5 from the Kollektor remote and the Kollektor from the Naim Remote, which I thought was pretty darn kewl.