Naim Fraim How Much?
Posted by: markjp on 12 December 2001
£300 per level.
£375? for a 'tall' level.
It's effect in my system for the price, could NOT have been equalled with black boxes.
My question is..... Is it worth while (cost v performance) of just putting amps etc. on a Fraim or is the main Fraim benefit only applicable to for front end source components like CD players?
With your LP12 on a Fraim is it the only component on the Fraim rack or do you have other components on that Fraim?
My sondek is on a three level fraim with base unit. Underneath the deck is one empty shelf followed by a lingo on its own shelf and at the bottom a hicap for the prefix. I figure the heavy hicap is best at the bottom. I have not played for hours w.r.t various iterations, especially as things seemed to come together so well from the off!
Prior to this I was using an audiotech for the lp12 with all electronics on sound factory tripods