Unidentified Power Supply

Posted by: fatcat on 23 February 2002

I have recently bought second hand a NAP110 , a NAC42.5 and an unidentified power supply.

Can anybody identify the make and more importantly the quality of the power supply given the following description.

Model identification is 3APS, there are two large transformers (not toroidal). Each transformer has one large transistor, two BHC capacitors (4700 microF) with the numbers 8829 printed on the top, and various smaller components.
There is a 5 pin DIN socket for connection to power amp and a 4 pin DIN socket for connection to the pre amp.
Its size and weight is similar to a NAP110.

Also, does anybody know were I can purchase suitable capacitors for recapping the 110, or provide makes and model numbers.

Thanks in advance