Posted by: plynnplynn on 02 March 2002

Can anyone offer any advice about which Naim amplifiers cannot drive SBLs? I suspect that Nait cannot do it well but does anyone use a Nait with SBL? If so how well does it work?
Posted on: 02 March 2002 by Ade Archer
I asked Naim about a year ago, when I had a 140, and they said that would be the minimum they'd recommend.


Posted on: 02 March 2002 by garyi
Although mine ran quite happily on a 90, but not at very loud volumes.
Posted on: 02 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Originally posted by plynnplynn:
Can anyone offer any advice about which Naim amplifiers cannot drive SBLs? I suspect that Nait cannot do it well but does anyone use a Nait with SBL? If so how well does it work?

Thanks for your contribution Ade

Posted on: 02 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Originally posted by garyi:
Although mine ran quite happily on a 90, but not at very loud volumes.

Thanks for your contribution - this probably means it will work with a Nait but as you say not effectively at louder volumes.

Posted on: 03 March 2002 by Jonathan Gorse
I have driven SBL's with a Nait and frankly it coped admirably however having just upgraded to 250 from 180 I'd say to exploit them you really need a 250. I actually tried the 250 as a last resort before I sold them (at a significant loss in 2 years from new) with a view to buying some B&W 804's!

Needless to say I am delighted with them now!


[This message was edited by Jonathan Gorse on SUNDAY 03 March 2002 at 09:02.]

Posted on: 03 March 2002 by ebirah
A 140 will do the job, the 180 is actually quite good, but I only felt they were really being told what to do with the appropriate degree of authority when I got a 250. Personally, Id regard anything less as a bit of a stepping stone, albeit a good one.


Posted on: 03 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Originally posted by Jonathan Gorse:
I have driven SBL's with a Nait and frankly it coped admirably however having just upgraded to 250 from 180 I'd say to exploit them you really need a 250. I actually tried the 250 as a last resort before I sold them (at a significant loss in 2 years from new) with a view to buying some B&W 804's!

Needless to say I am delighted with them now!


[This message was edited by Jonathan Gorse on SUNDAY 03 March 2002 at 09:02.]

Thanks Jonathan
I would hope in due course to go the 250 route but you have confirmed that in the meantime perhaps I can use a Nait with the SBLs, Thanks for your contribution.

Posted on: 03 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Originally posted by ebirah:
A 140 will do the job, the 180 is actually quite good, but I only felt they were really being told what to do with the appropriate degree of authority when I got a 250. Personally, Id regard anything less as a bit of a stepping stone, albeit a good one.


Thanks for your contribution Steve. I take this as an affirmative albeit a temporary solution.

Posted on: 03 March 2002 by J.N.
Have run mine from a Nait 2.

Sounds great. Just don't expect to go loud without breaking something.

Posted on: 03 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Originally posted by TimF:
I would have to agree with what has been said so far. A Nait will drive them in fairly good fashion as long as you don't push things too hard. Then the music thickens up and becomes somewhat muddled. I just pulled out my Nait2 about three weeks ago, and slotted it in place of my regular setup. I was pretty pleased at how well the Nait did, almost disgusted when you look at the money difference between systems. Granted, the source was the same, but a big difference otherwise. I have always admired the Nait's, they just sound better than they have a right too, and when I look at what I gave for mine, it just doesn't get much better. My room that I have my Sbl's in is fairly small-13' x 10.5' give or take a bit. I don't know how one would get along in a larger room. I would say not to let the Nait hold you back form the purchase, especially if you don't see yourself keeping the Nait as the main amp for a long time. Enjoy!


Thanks Tim
My room is 17ft by 10ft 3inches with the speakers 6 feet apart along one of the 17 ft walls. Glad to hear so many people saying that the Nait is OK. Thanks for your contribution. It has been very helful.

Posted on: 03 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Originally posted by J.N.:
Have run mine from a Nait 2.

Sounds great. Just don't expect to go loud without breaking something.

Thanks for your contribution. This is encouraging. Looks as though there is nothing holding me back.

Posted on: 04 March 2002 by J.N.
Put me out of my misery.


Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Darren Cotter

I ran SBL's with a 62/90 combo with a Meridian 200/563 cd & every time i've upgraded I heard the improvement.

Even if your not getting the best out of the SBL's right know, how may speakers could you go from an integrated amp up to say 52/Super/135's and not worry about them being a weak link?

Darren Cotter