Rega P3 Serial No

Posted by: jim learoyd on 30 June 2002

Hi Guys, I have borrowed a Rega P3 for the weekend, (possible purchase). The serial No is 292XXX, can anyone tell me how old it is by the serial no. If not I will contact rega tomorrow. First impressions are O.K. but very ordinary, but then again it's only a budget deck.

Posted on: 30 June 2002 by Bosh
Word is that the latest P3 is not a patch on even the Planar 2/RB250. Apparently the Planar 3/RB300 is the one to go for
Posted on: 30 June 2002 by jim learoyd
Originally posted by Bosh:
Word is that the latest P3 is not a patch on even the Planar 2/RB250. Apparently the Planar 3/RB300 is the one to go for

Bosh, thats what I have got (I think) in the above post! Don't get what you mean, please explain. The deck I have got has the RB300!

Posted on: 30 June 2002 by Tony L
Don't get what you mean, please explain.

The Planar 3 was revamped a couple of years back and rebranded the P3. Its easy to tell the new one as the plinth is bevelled at the bottom (the same shape as a P25 or P9). Its also got P3 written on it as opposed to Planar 3!

Word on the street seems to be that the changes to the motor are beneficial, but the new plinth is merely a cost cutting exercise being simply painted rather than laminated. I have not personally compared the two decks, but people whose ears I trust seem to side with the original design. The motor changes are easily retrofitable should you want to try. Details on the Rega website

Posted on: 30 June 2002 by David Tribe
I can't speak for other P3 plinths, but mine is laminated not painted.It is possable to feel a slight "sharpness" at the edge defining the top and front side of my plinth.(probably in other places too) Also, I don't see how changing from a six faceted plinth to a ten faceted plinth could on the face of it be seen as a cost cutting measure. More facets equal more cuts, probably more waste, and more laminate joints to make pretty. Seems like more work to me. wink

Posted on: 30 June 2002 by Tony L
I can't speak for other P3 plinths, but mine is laminated not painted.

I quote the following from the Rega website which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that I am (once againā€¦) talking total bollocks:

Just some of the features include an ultra low mass micro-fibre plinth laminated with highly rigid phenolic resin laminateā€¦.

My apologies. (Lesson: Never repeat rumours without checking the facts first!).

Posted on: 30 June 2002 by Mike Sae
Kudos to Rega for making their "ultra low mass micro-fibre plinth laminated with highly rigid phenolic resin laminate" look exactly like painted MDF.

Sure looked like cheesy painted MDF to me.
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by jim learoyd
Guys, thanks for all the replys, but all I really want to know is how OLD is the turntable. The past 2 days with the deck really leaves me wanting more. But as I said in the above post it's only a cheap deck.
Oh! also I am getting bad sibilance/distortion on the record the further the Arm goes into the centre of the turntable. I have checked the stylus with the supplied protractor and it's spot on. The cartridge is a Linn K5, old and probably worn but it does not seem to be every LP is does it on. Any help welcome

[This message was edited by jim learoyd on MONDAY 01 July 2002 at 20:43.]
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by Tony L
Oh! also I am getting bad sibilance/distortion on the record the further the Arm goes into the centre of the turntable. I have checked the stylus with the supplied protractor and it's spot on. The cartridge is a Linn K5, old and probably worn but it does not seem to be every LP is does it on.

Get a new cartridge - its not worth risking good vinyl with a stylus that you are not sure about.

Posted on: 03 July 2002 by Shayman

I've also noticed a decrease in sound quality as the arm gets closer to the centre on my Planar 3. Not a huge difference but definitely there. Is this a classic symptom of a cartridge on its way out? Or just something with Planar TT's.

Its particularly disappointing with Sergeant Pepper (Day in the Life), Copperhead Road (title track), Beethoven 9 (Choral movement) etc etc (Three LPs I've listened to in the last few days) where the best music is at the end of the side.

Posted on: 03 July 2002 by Lo Fi Si
Try adjusting the bias (anti skate force), I found this significantly improves tracking on inner tracks. Do it by ear or using Frank's method of adjusting it so as the arm does not move inwards or outwards when placed on an unmodulated bit of the record, (inner run-out area). I have some second hand records where the inner tracks are badly damaged, presumably by mis tracking carts, so heed Tony's warning and if it doesn't get better, replace the cart.
Posted on: 03 July 2002 by Mark Dunn
Jim and all:

Putting aside for one moment the possibility of a worn stylus, the other obvious candidate is tonearm/cartridge geometry. The flimsy paper alignment protractor that comes with the Rega leaves something to be desired.

I am now going to recommend something that I've personally never used (aaaggghh, I'm a type 1!) but has rave reviews from other users. I've also talked by telephone with the maker and he's a very practical and knowledgeable fellow. Take a look at the 'Wallytractor' at

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn
Posted on: 03 July 2002 by jim learoyd
just had a quick look at the site. Looks very interesting. I'm looking into it.
Going back on to the P3 cartridge, I am now sure the K5 cartridge is knackered. I am going to get a new cartrige next week, I'm looking at the Denon 110MC, any thoughts?

Posted on: 03 July 2002 by Craig B
Rega's protractor uses Stevenson alignment (rather than the more common Baerwald/Lofgren) which puts the inner most null point at ~60mm rather than the more usual ~65mm.

Rega's alignment results in less tracing distortion near end of record side with a higher mean level of distortion elsewhere, relative to Baerwald/Lofgren.

Having said that, I would suggest that you not assume that cartridge alignment has been optimized or that it is to Stevenson's maths vs. Baerwald/Lofgren's (or even that 'proper' alignment will result in better end of side performance with a K5).

According to Linn's 'Tonearms and Cartridges' (Revision 15, Oct 95) the K5 uses a spherical stylus tip. Sphericals are known for poor tracing performance which worsens dramatically as the end of record side is approached. On that basis alone I would suggest that if you are intent upon using the K5 that you align it using Rega's own protractor.

Once aligned, make sure that the stylus is clean (try Linn's green paper) and that both VTF and bias are in the right zone (Linn recommend 1.7-1.8g VTF at a room temp of 20C). Both Linn and Rega recommend setting bias to the same value although in practice I have found that less is often more assuming an absolutely level turntable.

Posted on: 03 July 2002 by Mark Dunn
Hi Craig and all:

I have an Excel spreadsheet which was prepared by one of the guys on the Vinyl Asylum and allows you to enter arm lenghts etc and indicates the distortion figures etc.

If anyone has an interest, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.

Best Regards,
Mark Dunnn