Calling "oval-earth" TT gurus (cue Frank)
Posted by: MarkEJ on 25 March 2002
I recently encountered a remarkable vinyl front end:
Roksan Xerxes (original, with XPS2 external PSU)
Kuzma Stogi (original; not "S" or Reference)
Ortofon Quasar MC @ 1.8g VTF
Naim StageLine; grey SNAIC between this and...
HiCap (socket 4); Chord something custom cable from socket 1 to (RCA) phono inputs on preamp)
Sounded pretty good to me, but I wasn't used to the rest of the system. anyone encountered anything like this combo? What can be easily improved, and what should avoided?
Thanks -- Best;
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)