Hallelujah!! Upgrade completed for a while
Posted by: naimless! on 05 March 2002
Thanx to everyone, this forum has been magic!! I have finally concluded my system upgrade for a while with the end purchase of Nautilus 804's. I have read all the comments over the past 4 months since getting the hardware cdx/xps/napsc/102/180/Hi-Cap, and only now I am completely happy and can see the quantum leap from my previous system now that everything has run in properly ( I would say the gear took 2/3 months to really start to sing ). My old man now has the benefit of my cd3/nait and is over the moon, I must admit that it still sounds fantastic to my ears. I've only got my seperate spur to organise now, and maybe later consider the FRAIM but for just now..its been a long haul, and it is absolutely fantastic to just sit back and enjoy the MUSIC. I've even started sorting out my CD's and rediscovering old treasues...ROBERT RITCHIE was an absolute pleasure to deal with yet again...he is SIMPLY THE BEST! lastly, I think I will need to change my usernaim (sic) now that i'm sorted! many thanx PEDRO
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by billyj
You sound very happy with yourself, but why did you choose the 804 when the 805 are just as good?
You will alway get quality serve from Robert Ritchies mate, thats for sure.
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by naimless!
By the way, I forgot to mention that this spend started off with me giving consideration to a modest upgrade, flatcap or nap90 ex dem/2nd hand due to the release of the new 5 series. I was genuinely happy with my system for the past 6/7 years and still cannot fault it really....but now I'm familiar with what each new component does, I can see the benefits and most forum members were spot on with their advice. One thing I can say is that doing the complete system seems much more satisfying than 1 single upgrade, because a number of issues have been addressed in 1 fair swoop. I still baulk at the thought of a £2000+ power supply...it does make a big differance but £2k worth I remain unconvinced.( but I want it nonethe less ) Perhaps this post is in response to the thread on "new members". I think the forum is great for advice on the next best upgrade beause a lot of the members have already been there. pedro
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by naimless!
billyJ...I cannot fault the 805's other than I felt they lacked low end. I tried other speakers around this price band but nothing could come close to the naturalness and realism of the midrange, in the 805. I think I just prefer floorstanders and so I again tried various options. When you take in the cost of £400 for the 805 stands...the price differential to 804's ( which gave me exactly what I was looking for ) did not seem so vast. pedro
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Eddie Pugh
Did you compare the Contour 1.3 MkII's
I've heard the 1.8's on a Naim 250 and it sounded lovely. Anyone compared 805,s v 1.3 MkII
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by naimless!
Eddie nothing wrong with DYNAUDIO, because I'd shortlisted the 1.8 contours against 804s mostly in an effort to save funds...some might say the contours are dull and lifeless, some would say the 804's are too bright, I liked both almost equally but preferred the 804's because of the way the sound was presented - enough to part with the extra cash anyway pedro
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by billyj
Pedro, What do think of the new sound room that Robert has got? I think it is great, why did you choose your other kit,was it advice from Robert?
I have cd5,102,nacps,250,hicap,lp12 and 805s on there own stands.sound great,, is there much difference with the cd5 and the cdx?
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
many years of listening pleasure to you.
On the downside, due to forum politics you can't change your username.
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by NigelP
Congratulations Naimless. I think the 804s are brilliant and would still have mine but I've just completed my own upgrade. The 805s are good too but they don't have the presence of the 804 when you start to beef up your amplification. You say you're finished. Bet you that you carry on. I wouldn't mind taking a wager on the Hi-Cap, changing to a 250, swapping the 102 for 82. Adding a second 250 and then going with the Supercap as a start. It'll go on and on and those speakers will just keep getting better. They are very revealing of each upgrade that you make. I know because I've been there! Enjoy for a while and good to know that you are a happy bunny.
Posted on: 06 March 2002 by naimless!
Billy J....I think the new dem room is much more relaxing than the last and feels more homely...you can just sit there..cup of coffee in hand while robert changes things about and lets you hear any variation of kit you ask. The Cdx reveals much more information and opens up the sound, more graceful, more realism, but I feel the xps is mandatory because i would say things just move into a differant league. Robert gave a lot of advice yeh, but...get a dem and see yourself if its worth the upgrade. Are you thinking about an upgrade shortly? As for the 804's Nigel, I think are u r right..dont know if u noticed but during the run in phase the bass gets really beefy and then gradually returns to whats expected ? I think i still have about a day to go until they are fully run in? 150hrs?
Posted on: 06 March 2002 by billyj
Pedro , I am always thinking of how to improve but my upgrades are at a stand still at the moment, I recently upgraded my system, and am going to enjoy it for a while anyway, it gets so critical at this level when you are spending money, and I dont want to be one of these people who listen to their Hi Fi rather than the music, anyway maybe see you at Robert sometime.