XPS2 and CDX(1)

Posted by: Leigh on 21 September 2002

Will this combination work?
Posted on: 21 September 2002 by Andrew Randle


Andrew Randle
"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid." Frank Zappa
Posted on: 21 September 2002 by Leigh
But how do you know?
Posted on: 21 September 2002 by Matt Gear

i asked doug the same question at the show, and the answer he gave was "yes". all the power supplies for the cd players and preamps (apart from the 552) are backwards and fowards compatible, so you can use a CDX (1) with an XPS2 or vice versa. same goes for the CDS2 and CDS3 which can both be used with the old or new versions of the XPS psu.

naim certain aren't going to burn their bridges and preclude users from having old and new style products together. that wouldn't make any commercial sense whatsoever.

i for one will probably be looking for a 2nd hand CDX, which i will then upgrade with a new XPS2 with a view to moving to the CDS3 soon after.

hope that helps


Posted on: 21 September 2002 by Leigh
Thanks Matt,