LP12 vs CDS2
Posted by: Alex S. on 26 July 2001
The LP12 is Lidless, Baseboardless, Lingoed, new motored, serviced, ittoked, DV20Xed, sitting on cones on Base on Sound org 5 tier rack (with Lingo in bottom shelf).
My CDS2 is partnered by CDSPS not XPS.
Other equipment is: 82/super, 2 250s, N805s on Granite stands on Mana Soundbases, Grahams mains Hydra, all Naim Burndys Snaics etc apart from Chord Cobra2 CD interconnect and Cabletalk 4.1 speaker cable. I've got acoustic foam splattered all over the walls and Base racks.
I don't have too many vinyl/CD duplicates but I did dig out Mahler's No2 (Klemperer/Philarmonia), Deep Purple's Machine Head and Beloved's Conscience.
This sounds like damning with faint praise but at last my LP12 has found a worthwhile partner if not a perfect match. This just goes to show how damn good even a medium spec analogue source is. The CDS2 makes an excellent fist of a musical, analogue sound - well spaced instruments, the best bottom end I've heard on CD replay; its a quiet player - no digital hash here, but the top end lacks a little of the sparkle of the best analogue I've heard (not mine). It is a big improvement over my CDX - less fatiguing, more involving, much more smile on face making - and it makes the CDX top and bottom end seem a little uncouth.
The opening cellos on Mahler's second had all the oomph you'd want with both sources although better spacing with the LP12 - I suspect this is a problem with EMI's rather poor CD transfer than with the CDS2.
My CDX used to make a right mess of John Lord's organ (titter) on Lazy but both sources on test here really made sense of this track with all the PRaT you could ask.
My Beloved Conscience was very clear.
This sounds like damning with faint praise but at last my LP12 has found a worthwhile partner if not a perfect match. This just goes to show how damn good even a medium spec analogue source is.
my cdsii (with xps) is now 1 month old, and so far, its not yet a match for my lp12/geddon/prefix/aro/dv xx2 on humble audiotech. perhaps, there is some more running in to do on the cdsii (though i did run it contunously for 4 days), so i will be patient for a while longer.
lucky you....
I have just ordered a CDS2 so I hope its good.
I have a fondness for vinyl but I have not really put the big bucks into it that is necessary to get a good sound out of it.
I tend to look at it from the broader angle.
1. LP's take up a lot of space for relatively little amount of music.
2. You have to keep the LP really clean......I hate snap crackle and pop........it does my head in. If a record crackles, I bin it.
3. You have to change the thing over at say 20 mins when you are just getting into the music...that really irrates me.
4. You live in fear of doing what Tony Lonorgan did to his cartridge.
5. Good cartridges don't come cheap and you are always agonising whether you bought the right one.
6. If you are a "sheep" and have a LP12 (I like to troll a little)you are always thinking is it at its best.
Buy a CDS2......you have it all......convenience and good sound.
I just think vinyl is hard work but if you love it then stick with it.......music is about pleasure at the end of the day.
I have just ordered a CDS2 so I hope its good.
relax!!! the cdsii is good, very good indeed, in fact bloody excellent. from what you say, comparison with lp12 is somewhat irrelevant to you.
in my case, however, i have been playing lp's more of late, and my cdsii doesnt sound anything like my lp12. in fact i find the comparison quite misleading.
prepare to enjoy your cdsii when it comes. there is a "newness" smell that whiffs as soon as you open the cdsii lid -- it lingers on for a long time -- mine is still there -- i guess when that goes, my player will be fully run in
I am relaxed.
Although I have never heard a CDS2 in a home environment, I know I am doing the right thing. I still kick myself for ignoring Frank Abela's advice to buy the CDS2. I went for a CDX and later a XPS which although good, could be bettered by the CDS2. Franks advice is always impecable, so I was a bloody fool to ignore it. I am expecting him to come back at me because he predicted I would get one in the end and he was right.
I am expecting him to come back at me because he predicted I would get one in the end and he was right.
and you are also right for getting one in the end. and when you compare with your cdx, you will be happy you did the upgrade...
until I start listening to a record.
The CDSII is a fantastic CD player and I could happily live with one but I would love to hear a full spec LP12 through that system.
Kans are for life, not for lunch.
The main reason for me banging on about my 401 is that they are severely under rated. Every time, well nearly everytime, some tells you that they are into vinyl, they have a LP12 and they bought it because everyone else has one. Very sheeplike in my opinion.
The 401 had a deservedly poor reputation for rumble because of the very poor quality plinths in which they were housed. The Loricraft plinth totally transforms them. Its a heavy beast but it brings out the sound like nothing else.
I have a RB300 and a Dynavector 17Dmk2 and I know that I need a better arm. I am wary of buying a s/h arm so one day I will have to cough up for either a SME or an ARO.
Despite the RB300, 3 audiophiles have expressed surprised just how good it sounds. The BIG advantage of the 401 is that it just goes on forever.
I am not realy concerned about wearing the stylus out.......I aint that tight fisted but I can see the big advantages of the CD at the top end.
As regards to DVD-A.......the sooner the better, if its as good at the top end as its cracked up to be, why complain, you can run a TT, a CD player and DVD together.
I acknowledge that vinyl is good, I once heard TF's Ninja which was superb.......but it does need cosetting and the CDS11 doesn't.
Case in point is the endless trolling for arguments, which Mick comes right out and admits he's doing. Ok, he's called LP-12 owners "sheep" twice in this thread, so I'll respond with my story once, for what it's worth.
I was probably 21 years old, still living with my parents, and was more concerned with spending money on records than saving to move out. I had probably about 1000 LPs, never owned a tape deck, and thought CDs sounded shrill, although this was not a point I carried on about. When my plastic Japanese turntable crapped out, I went out to search for a replacement, and heard a Linn Axis. When I took one home, my ears were truely opened to what HiFi could achieve; I was hearing so much more and enjoying music so much more I couldn't believe it.
A couple years later I upgraded to an LP-12 with a used Ittok and Lingo, and have been smiling ever since. I own a 102/HiCap/250 as well, so I am well aware of Naim at this point. I did not read audio magazines, I have no audiophile friends, and the Internet wasn't full of stuff like this to read (not that I even knew what it was at that point). My point being that I bought an LP-12 soley because it sounded good, not because I am a sheep. I'm sure people buy all kinds of things because of marketing, and the opinions of others, but one may as well say all the members of this forum are sheep for sticking to the Naim path so doggedly. Are folks who bought Linn turntables (or, heaven forbid, amps) without the ability to listen for themselves?? I'm sure quite a few LP-12s were sold on their sound quality.
I don't want to go on and on about this (not that it stops you guys), but it isn't informed, "funny" or fair to slam Linn and Linn owners like this. The other thread going on right now (what happened to Linn or some such) is even worse. I'm sure many people post such nonsense for the sole purpose of getting a response like this, who knows. But bear in mind that just because someone chose to spend their money on something other than your pet brand (and bear in mind I own all Naim amps myself) does not imply that they lack critical facilities. If any of these sentiments were voiced in an amusing way, I could take it as something of a joke, but as it is it's just mean-spirited.
If I have offended you then I apologise, the term sheep is bandied around mainly at those such as I who keep buying more black boxes instead of Mana.
I shall aim to be a little more PC from now on.
I think that the situation over here is different to that in the states. Linn was/is the largest TT manufacturer in the UK and the point I was trying to make was that as soon as anyone wants a TT, they usually opt for a Linn as an automatic choice. There are other makes such as the Garrard about but they seem to get overlooked.
I think that after upsetting
a.....John Watson
b.....Mr Pig
c.....Ian Wright
I shall write in as if constructing a business document. It will certainly be safer.
Steve B
Your post dated today at 21.51 refers.
Thank you for you excellent and informative letter advising that all is well. I am pleased.
Your post of today at 22.07 refers.
May I take this opportunity of congratulating you on your excellent purchase of the LP12.
I trust you will have many enjoyable envenings of musical pleasure ahead of you because you have made an excellent purchase.
Your post of today at 23.11
I am able to confirm that I own a pair of Linn Sara speakers which reproduce sound to a very high level.
Please accept this post has a firm indication that I have the highest regard for all Linn products and the highest regard for all those who use them.
Best wishes,
With reference to your recent quote, reproduced herewith: -
You have to keep the LP really clean......I hate snap crackle and pop........it does my head in. If a record crackles, I bin it.
May I respectfully suggest that you owe it to yourself to listen to a really good turntable, which I feel sure would allow you to discover the fabulous music contained on your vinyl, without drawing attention to its faults.
Something of the calibre of an LP12 maybe
Yours sincerely,
Your posting today timed at 09.43 refers.
Thank you for your informative and useful post advising me to purchase a LP12. This is a product worthy of consideration which is used by many audiophiles, held in high regard by me.
I will consider its use for my own system.
Regards and thanks
[This message was edited by Mick Parry on MONDAY 30 July 2001 at 13:12.]
Your post of today at 13.30 refers.
My department has been the subject of many plaudits and in fact holds one of the highest employee opinion survey scores, which is a measure of staff morale.
The operational side of the business is at the moment beset with problems.
I have now become "formal" so as not to upset other contributors, such as Saturn, who quite rightly objected to the term "sheep". Only unpleasant people would use such a term and from now on I am going to be a nice person.
From now on
I shall criticise no person or product.
I shall make no statement which resembles a joke.
This way I shall offend no one.
May I thank you for your letter.
2) I was not complaining about Mr. Parry's language, or in fact, anybody on this forum's. I was only stating that saying people buy LP-12s automatically, with no thought as to their sound quality, is far from a universally true statement.
3) If this forum exists primarily for a handful of people to try out what they think to be "clever" language, and amuse their handful of friends at the expense of other users, then I find very little value in it. Since this bulletin board is linked to directly from Naim's website, it is obviously an "official" forum, and since I am fairly heavily invested in Naim gear, coming here only to be made fun of leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.
Your post timed 13:30 clearly states "I shall criticise no person or product. I shall make no statement which resembles a joke. This way I shall offend no one.". I should like to respectfully point out that I find this standpoint to be deeply offensive.
Yours sincerely
Mr T Lonorgan
You are right........whats the point of being nice, can't really think of any advantages, so sod it.......back to normal.
JW/Mana is bloody horrible for banning me from his forum......imagine being expelled from a club that keeps Mr Pig as a member. The sheer indignity of it all.
Mr Pig is a nauseating little guttersnipe
P is a troll.....but in all fairness an intelligent one and he does have a life
Ian Wright is just a troll.
Saturn is a PC rambling over sensitive chap who aint got a grasp of life.
I am OK and the rest of you are OK
I think I've got the hang of it now, sorry about the misunderstanding.
By the way, part of the joke is recommending those Mana racks, right? Surely you fellows realize they're complete crap.
Sean Feeney
I am begining to like you already.
not Linn v Naim, SaturnSF vs Jupiterf/2, Mick Parry vs Sanity and the Universe, Oblomovian tendencies or any such.
All we need now is some Hanson erudition, porcine pronouncements and Vuk aphorism and photograph.
Your post of today at 13.30 refers.
Not having a go at you Mick, (context and all taken into account), but can anyone shed any light on the origin of this commonly seen but IMHO grammatically idiotic phrase?
"Your post of <date & time> refers."
To what, precisely, does it refer? Where is the object in the sentence? Furthermore, how can it refer to anything except a posting previous to itself, because at the time it was written, it was the most recent addition?
Surely, the post which stimulated the response is the item to which reference is being made, rather than the entity doing the referring, thus "With reference to your post of <date & time>; Utter bollocks, blah blah blah" would be clearer and less grammar-abusive.
...and this from someone (me) who recently emailed the BBC because they spelt "excellence" wrong on Watchdog Healthcheck... Is it sadder that I should do this, or that I was watching in the first place?
(self-appointed grammar custodian )