Cartridge Break In

Posted by: John C on 23 September 2001

Does it exist?

I've had a Dynavector 10x4 for over 2 months and have developed a love hate relationship with it, but finally decided to change it last week. As Sod's law dictates however it has now improved not suddenly but gradually and sneakily over a few days I've realised it's all sounding rather good. I hasten to add it never sounded bad simply not fulfilling all the things it appeared to want to deliver (yes I know that last statement is ludicrous). Part of my disatisfaction stems from hearing the 17D2 originally I'm sure.

Anyway I've imagined all this and a cartridge breaks in after hitting the first groove.. right???


Posted on: 23 September 2001 by kan man
Is needed before you start to get anything approaching full performance. I shortcut this process by leaving it running on the inner groove of a record for a couple of days. I find brand new cartridges painful to listen to.

Don't know how much you use your record player but if it's only a few hours a week you may not yet be fully run in. Try leaving it running overnight as above and see if it has noticably improved again (you will need to clean the stylus though). The other thing I have found with the 17D2 is that it has a very narrow sweet spot in terms of tracking weight (on an ARO - don't know about other arms). Before you make any hasty decisions, try fine tuning this by ear. It's a great cartridge and unless it's just the wrong sort of presentation for you, it will cost quite a bit to better.


Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Top Cat
Clearaudio Sigma Gold

I've only had it a fortnight or so, and I'm about 25 hours in - but I have at least the same again before it all sounds at its best...


Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Dev B
The force is strong with you. Make sure you experiment with tracking force, maybe decrease it after the first month or so. Every cartridge is different, but a couple hours a day for about a month or so should do the trick.

Also a strict diet of Mingus, or better still Derek Bailey will help.

For maximum burn in, with minimum distress may I recommend: 'Guitar, Drum and Bass' - Derek Bailey and DJ Ninj.

DB/Mullet Audio
'we speak the truth'