Upgrade Advice

Posted by: Steve G on 05 June 2001

I've got around 800 quid or so to spend upgrading my main system but I'm not sure where best to spend the cash.

Current system:

Project 2 turntable
Sony MDS-JE520 Minidisc
Micromega Leader II used as transport
Meridian 203 DAC
Target Rack
Naim Speaker cable, grey SNAICS (black ones already ordered), Chord Cobra II interconnect, DNM digital cable.

I record digitally onto minidisc but if I get a CD without a digital output I don't mind having a 2nd CD player in the system to record off.

Replacing my 92R/90.3 (now in my bedroom system) with the older amps has improved the system by a surprising amount. My main source is CD (I've got well over 1000 CDs) with the turntable only used occasionally.

It seems there are a few options:

1) Naim CD player - used CD3, CD3.5 or CDI's all appear to be in my budget.
2) Going active with another 110 and an IXO
3) Bigger power amp - possible a used 250.
4) A mixture - used CD3 + used 140

The "source first" idealogy would indicate replacing the source first but the system did respond particularily well to replacing the 90.3 with the 110, perhaps indicating the Credos will benefit from a better amp.

Buying used kit means it's difficult to demo the options so any advice would be appreciated.


Posted on: 05 June 2001 by Steve Toy
A used CD3.5 would be brilliant. And later on, a Flatcap or Hi-cap
Posted on: 05 June 2001 by John C
A used CD 3.5 is indeed brilliant but how much better than your present CD player? One of the more unpleasant side effects since buying a Naim amp is that it seems to me that almost any old record player beats CD players (including my CD3.5) hands down. I dont know about CDI, CD2 etc but it seems to me that as you are pretty much fixed into CD you should scrimp save etc and then hunt down a used CDX. Just a thought.


Posted on: 06 June 2001 by Steve G
Thanks for the advice.

I've decided to stretch my budget a little and am buying a used NAP140 and a used CD3.5.

The next upgrade will probably be to get Naim to upgrade my NAP110 into a NAP140 and then go active with the additional of an IXO. I suspect the resulting CD3.5/NAC32.5/SNAPS/NAP140x2/IXO/Credo should sound pretty good!

Posted on: 06 June 2001 by Simon Matthews
I think the cdi does a LOT more than a 3.5, maybe worth the hunt in the long run. If CD is by far your main source then a flat cap/hicap on a 3.5 might be a beter next move than going active. Whenever I have heard a PS going onto a 3.5 it made BIG differences.
Posted on: 06 June 2001 by Rico

I'd at least hicap the 3.5 and 32.5 before thinking about active on your credos. Or better still, a CD2.

Additionally, you may miss some of the speed the 110 exhibits on changin to any 140 less than latest spec, in good fettle.

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 06 June 2001 by Rico

I'd be ensuring the CD3.5 and 32.5 are hicapped before considering activating your Credo's (if you must) - a stronger source would be better in the long run such as the CD2 (a used bargain).

You might also find a swings and roundabouts scenario between your 110 and new 140 - a 140 that's in less than fine fettle, and not last spec, is likely to sound a little slower in the rythmn than the 140, IMHO.

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 08 June 2001 by Steve G
Well the CD3.5 arrived today - I have to say it sounds very fine indeed. When I bought my 92R/90.3/Credos originally I demo'd the CD3.5 and preferred my old Micromega as the system sounded a little "raw" with the Naim player in. Now with 32.5/SNAPS/110 replaced the 92R/90.3 the Naim player easily slaughters the Micromega (which is getting a little old in the tooth now).

While there is certainly more detail it's actually the bass which is showing the most significant improvement, to my ears at least.

The 140 should be here in a week or so - it'll be interesting to see how that sounds.

Posted on: 16 June 2001 by Steve G
The 140 arrived and is now installed in my system. I was a little concerned due to a couple of the comments about whether a 140 would actually be an improvement over the 110 I already had but despite the amp not yet being warmed up properly it's definitely better (to my ears anyway). The system is currently spinning a Columbia re-mastered CD of Miles Davis - Kind of Blue and sounds damn fine.

My 110 was very old (red LED, 6XXX serial number) so this might be a factor - it still sounds good enough to comfortably see of my 90.3 though.

Next step is to find another 32.5 or 42.5 preamp, replace the 92R/90.3 in my bedroom system with that and the 110, sell the 92R/90.3 and buy a couple of used Hicaps. Or perhaps used SBL's...


Posted on: 16 June 2001 by Steve B

You wouldn't, by any chance have been bitten by the upgrade bug would you?

I hope it isn't catching.

Steve B

Posted on: 16 June 2001 by Steve G
Steve B - yes I do appear to have been bitten! In the space of about a month I've managed to replace everything in my system (which I liked!) except the speakers and turntable...

At least I've kept the cost down by buying used (about 1100 or so for a CD3.5, NAC32.5, SNAPS, 110 and 140 - add a used set of SBL's and that would be a cracking 2K system) - I hope that goes some way to placating the missus!


Posted on: 16 June 2001 by Steve B
Steve G

I agree that should be quite a system for the money. It should (hopefully) satisfy you for quite a while before the next upgrade!

I’m just considering my first CD player. I’m using a Cambridge Audio CD5 (which isn’t mine) at the moment which sounds reasonably OK but is nowhere near LP12 quality (no surprise there).

I’ll give the Naim CD5 a try in a few weeks which hopefully will be much closer to the analogue sound I’m used to. I do like the convenience of CD and there’s such a huge choice of music out there.

Steve B

Posted on: 16 June 2001 by ken c
I've just booked a demo for the CDS II.

allow me to be the first the congratulate you on your purchase of this wonderful machine...

as for your bank account, all i can say is "join the club".



Posted on: 16 June 2001 by ken c
met: i was quoted 2 weeks for mine, so thats next week sometime. cant wait. if you really meant CD2, i agree. thats what i have right now, but soon to be replaced with cdsii.



Posted on: 17 June 2001 by Mike Hanson
I can always live the experience vicariously through Miks Hanson's postings!

I'm glad to be of service. smile

-=> Mike Hanson <=-