Mains Conditioning advice please.. !

Posted by: Steveandkate on 27 October 2001

OK, so I know these things are not thought highly of, but I need one - where I live (southern Spain) there are big spikes, and regular power-cuts, and dead fridges, monitors and modems are often to be seen by the road-side after a storm, so, given that it's a case of trashing my Naim gear or loosing some sound quality but keeping it, what help can you give me ???

Thanks all,

Posted on: 27 October 2001 by P
Easy one that one really.

I don't charge for this BTW


Posted on: 27 October 2001 by Mark Dunn
Hi SteveandKate:

Take a look at:

The PowerPlants will make the system sound better and utterly consistent as well as being a 'brick wall' to surges.

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn

PS, The little P300 is not man enough for even a little Naim power amp, look for the P600 at least.

Posted on: 28 October 2001 by Steveandkate
Mark - have contacted PS Audio - thanks for that, but "P" - move back to the UK - Hey, I spend 9 months a year here, in Spain, then am in the UK for 3 earning a living, with no mortgage, a 13 room house and more than enough land to do anything I want. The sun shines, and I am still in shorts and a t-shirt with the windows open, and my oranges will be ripe in time for Christmas...
Guess a mains conditioner beats moving back to the UK - I left Walthamstow, and don't want to go back in a hurry... !!!

AND, no neighbours to annoy !!


Posted on: 28 October 2001 by bam
Extremely jealous! frown cool frown cool frown
Posted on: 28 October 2001 by P

I can't say how sorry I am to hear of your awful predicament.

Regarding your initial dilemma though the thought suddenly crossed my mind that perhaps you could maybe start researching the use of orange peel as an alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear energy?

Then you could develop a system converting that energy into a new form of electricity to "juice" your system? :-)

Let us know how you get on with the PSAudio thing.


Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

I think the best thing would be to get a bunch of us over to see the problem first hand ;-)


Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Steveandkate
In the absence of much constructive advice ( except Mark's ) I guess I should also add that my little 2 bed house in Walthamstow, which was only half paid for, managed to raise enough to buy this house for cash, a new car, a new dirt bike, and my Naim.
I also have enough left over to do all the works to the house and live for the next few months.....

So, just how much fun was your day - I got up to the sun, spent the day pruning my almonds trees, had lunch in a bar ( £4 a head for 3 courses and wine, coffee and brandy) then came back, via the lottery shop, where I picked up my winnings - only £6, but I have won every week since we moved here - to watch a wonderful sunset, then the moon came up, and here I sit, with a glass of home made wine, and a terrible smug grin - sorry.

My advice - look into changing big time - so far, this is brilliant, and if a PS Audio power "thingie" sorts out my one complaint, then I Am in heaven !

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Steve G
Originally posted by Steveandkate:
a new car, a new dirt bike,

What dirt bike? I wobble about on a Gas-Gas Pampera myself - I've also had a Honda CRM250, Suzuki DR350SE and XT600 in the recent past.


So, just how much fun was your day - I got up to the sun, spent the day pruning my almonds trees, had lunch in a bar ( £4 a head for 3 courses and wine, coffee and brandy) then came back, via the lottery shop, where I picked up my winnings - only £6, but I have won every week since we moved here - to watch a wonderful sunset, then the moon came up, and here I sit, with a glass of home made wine, and a terrible smug grin - sorry.

Ah, but do you get the Glasgow Rangers games on the tellie? Eh? Thought not.


My advice - look into changing big time - so far, this is brilliant, and if a PS Audio power "thingie" sorts out my one complaint, then I Am in heaven !

I knew I should have kept on being an EKS (Evil Kontract Scum} instead of returning to permie work. Oh well, scoop another Rioja for me will you...
