Any MAJOR Sonic Differences between the Linn Classik K and Classik T?

Posted by: Jaybar on 29 March 2002

I hope to be getting a Linn Classik for our Bedroom and would prefer used/demo. Any major sonic differences between these iterations of Classiks. Thanks in Advance.


Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Arthur Bye

A Linn dealer told me that the new Classik has a newer, better, (switchmode?)power supply and should provide improved sound. It also has the ability to connect up to 4 Classiks together for a whole house system. The benefit of this last item eludes me. Otherwise they are identical.

I have not heard the new one to compare, but the prior version works suprisingly well considering the cost.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Not For Me
I might be wrong. but

Classik K = CD amp

Classik T = CD / Tuner / amp

Check out the other thread about the second system .


Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Greg Beatty Linn's site, the Classik is only listed as having a tuner.

But then again, they list the Majik under preamps so...

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 30 March 2002 by Stephen Rodrigues
Classik K is CD/amp/tuner, just like its predecessor the Classik T, but with Knect-ivity. Also new K is not supplied with speaker cable. Having compared K with T, I can't say I heard any difference.

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