Life begins anew...

Posted by: Grunt on 17 August 2001

As the title says...

This evening, I took delivery of my first Naim setup from Absolute Audio in Singapore.

Got myself a Demo 82, new 180, CDX and Credos... good man from the dealership fixed it up for me and the setup sings from first power up...cannot wait for more so called magic to happen over the next few days...unfortunately, got the wrong interconnect and so CDX was a no go for tonight...

I am very happy thus far with the pre power and this is not even capped volume knob never went past 10...this thing really delivers sound power...neighbours gonna complain frown

I know some of you may balk at the choice of speakers but that's as far as the budget could stretch this time...but I think I can grow to like them for a while yet smile

I attached my sony minidisc deck and my denon tuner to the 82 and the sound is really begins anew...

Well, I am poorer and yet richer...go figure smile

Ker from Singapore!

Thanks Vik! Now, abt that CDS1....

Posted on: 17 August 2001 by ken c
congratulations! i dont think you will find the credos wanting in such good company. that system should last you a while.



Posted on: 17 August 2001 by Chris Metcalfe
Personally I think the Credos are an excellent, communicative and very 'Naimlike' speaker, in their way a match for SBLs.

If you like vocals/choral music they're a treat.

Posted on: 17 August 2001 by Grunt
Am leaving the 82 on playing my minidiscs continuously...can't wait for the setup to be fully warmed and running prime, u know what I mean.

I wonder how long that would take?

Posted on: 17 August 2001 by Steve Toy
How can you possibly enjoy their compressed sounds through such a revealing system?

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 19 August 2001 by Grunt
Actually Steven, they're not half bad...just need to readjust expectations and remind oneself constantly that I am listening to MD and not CDs.

I am enjoying my system tremendously, my previous HT setup just wouldn't slice it anymore...I did an AB test and does it show!

However, my Credos are a bit thin on bass and low that a natural problem that will be corrected with adequate run in? How long should that take? I am planning to place them abt 1 ft away from the back that good enuff?

Thanks! smile