Rega Kyte

Posted by: Lars on 10 August 2001

A friend of mine has been offered a pair of Rega Kyte. Does anyone have any experience with these speakers? Would the be a good match for a nait3?



It Kan be done!

Posted on: 10 August 2001 by Stephen Bennett
When Kytes were first out, I chose them as the best, least expensive speaker, to go with my 32.5/110. I later upgraded to EL8s (Kyte with Bass).

Kytes are nice speakers, but not worth much. My EL8's were hard to sell at £80. Kytes would probably fetch as much with very good stands, or £50 alone. IMHO of course!



Posted on: 10 August 2001 by Tony L
A friend of mine has been offered a pair of Rega Kyte.

The Kyte is a stunner. Think of it as a bit of a Kan on the cheap, it is not quite as refined, tight or detailed as the Kan, but it is definitely barking up the same tree. When used on a decent open frame stand such as a Kan II stand or the equivalent Sound Organisation job they can give really excellent results, they hold a tune very well and are fast tight and fun. The top end can be a little relentless, but good system setup sorts this out. IMHO not only is the Kyte the best of the Rega speakers (I would definitely take them over the ELA or EL8), but they are also good enough to hang on the end of any system - you know it is time to get a better speaker when you are up to 52 / 250 level. There should be more speakers like the Kyte. Rega currently make a little two way stand mount, anyone know if its as good?


Posted on: 10 August 2001 by matthewr
Kytes are an ideal cheap, small speaker for Naim systems and a perfect match for the Nait 3. They also get better and better as you improve the rest of your system (I ran mine with great results with CDS2, 82, HiCap, 140) and you have to spend a lot of money to significantly improve them (in my case SBLs). The only other thing worth considering is a pair of Kans which are great but they are reputedly a bit much for a Nait 3 to drive.

You need the rights stands -- the tall version of the classic Sound Org being ideal and cheap -- and they need to go against a rear wall.


Posted on: 10 August 2001 by matthewr
>> Rega currently make a little two way stand mount, anyone know if its as good? <<

Never heard them but heard bad things second hand.

ISTR Sir Larry of Cheadle prefers the small JM Labs standmount for entry level Naim systems.


Posted on: 10 August 2001 by kevinl
I started my Naim journey with a Nait3, CD3 and Kytes. These are now resident in my second system.

I'd concur that these are a perfect combination. I spent months trying to find speakers to beat them. Nothing below £1000 came close. I would go as far as saying that they are the standmount speakers that Naim never made.

Buy them, they're fantastic. They were around £200 new, depending on finish.


Posted on: 10 August 2001 by Stephen Bennett
I'm wondering if I didn't prefer the EL8s over the Kytes because of my 32.5/110 combo. I'd love to hear them on a better amp & CD combo!



Posted on: 10 August 2001 by Steve B
I have been using Kytes on Kan stands for about 18 months or so with LP12/Cambridge CD5 and Nait 1.

I agree with most of the above (i.e. similar to but not as good as Kans) but like Kans they are very revealing. I consider a good source such as LP12 or Naim CD5 about right.

I've just bought an pair of Royd RR1s so am looking to sell the Kytes.

Steve B

Posted on: 10 August 2001 by Lars
I suspected that there was something special to these speakers! I would definitely recommend him to buy them. I think the price was around 1200 SEK = 80-85 GBP.



It Kan be done!

Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Rico
Matthew and Tony have basically said it all. The Kytes are great for what they are, and cost very little. £100 give or take will get you a fine pair. They are country-miles ahead of the EL8, as they're not trying to do things they're clearly incapable of doing.

An easy match for an amp such as Nait 3 (I have experience of them on Nait 2, 110, and 140's)... not as good a speaker as a Kan, but cheaper, and not nearly as demanding (or revealing) of equipment or setup.

A true flat-earth star!

Rico - let them eat Kans... the girlie wusses.

Posted on: 14 August 2001 by Lambros
Steve tried to e-mail you about the Kytes but got an udeliverable message - could you e-mail me on



Posted on: 03 December 2001 by king
I'm still running my Kytes with 62/140 and they serve me very well.
Fit very nicely against the rear wall as I have space constrain.

My intended upgrade is Dynaudio, but I do not have the space for the rear ports.........