Connecting up an Active System
Posted by: Tim Danaher on 21 February 2002
32.5/HiCap, NAXO 3-6/SNAPS, 2x135s, 2x250, PMS Isobariks
Could anyone give me some advice about connecting this lot up? It's the Preamp-to-HiCAP-to-NAXO-toSNAPS bit that's confusing me...I'm assuming the NAXO must be powered by its own supply. I can see how the Amps connect to the NAXO, but the rest...
Thanks in Advance!
The HI-CAP will power the 32.5, the SNAPS will power the NAXO. All of the power amps will connect to the NAXO. The only connection you are missing is a 4 pin from HI-CAP to NAXO which will carry the signal.
You've figuered that one out correctly.
The HiCap ist connected to the 32-5
with the 5-Pin DIN - Wire, for that you
have to pull the link protector from the
most right socket.
The HiCap second post is then connected
to the snaps (here i don't know which
socket, but the nearest to the one carrying
the power), the powered one then is
conected to the (s)naxo.
(In case of snaxo, you have to fit the big plug).
If this doesn't help, download the naim manual,
concerning wiring and/or the snaxo manual.
There the correctwiriring is well dokumented.
Have fun listening.
Originally posted by Tim Danaher:
Well, I'm there!32.5/HiCap, NAXO 3-6/SNAPS, 2x135s, 2x250, PMS Isobariks
Could anyone give me some advice about connecting this lot up? It's the Preamp-to-HiCAP-to-NAXO-toSNAPS bit that's confusing me...I'm assuming the NAXO must be powered by its own supply. I can see how the Amps connect to the NAXO, but the rest...
is the SNAPS a SNAPS2 (i.e. has 5 pin socket on back).
If it does:-
32.5 connects to HiCap via SNAIC5. Ring towards 32.5. There is only one socket that will take the SNAIC5 at either end.
HiCap connects to SNAPS via SNAIC4. Ring towards HiCap. There should be instructions on back of HiCap & SNAPS as to which sockets to use for this, but one or both must not carry +24 or +ve (wiring diagram for socket should show as ch1, ch2, -ve & nc).
SNAPS connects to NAXO via SNAIC5. Ring towards SNAPS. There will only be one socket that will take the SNAIC5 at each end.
If the SNAPS is the common-or-garden variety (hasn't been hacked about) then you have two other options:-
Get a special SNAIC5 made up with SNAPS end replaced with a 4-pin plug.
Use the SNAPS on the 32.5 via a SNAIC4 (with the blanking plug in the 5-pin socket). Ring stil towards 32.5.
Same connection SNAPS-HiCap (SNAIC4 with ring towards SNAPS). Make sure socket at one or both ends does not caryy +24V or +ve.
HiCap connects to NAXO via SNAIC5. Ring towards HiCap. Only one 5-pin socket one each end.
Aftter this, there is only one way to wire everything up. One 250 to bass/mid left. The other 250 to bass/mid right. Make sure you get bass & mid wired correctly. Power up everything except the 135s & try this. Power down again before you continue!
One 135 to each tweeter. Make sure that one is connect to ch1 input & the other to ch2. Switch on everything except the 250's, with the volume at zero, then bring it up very gingerly until you've proved that you're getting treble through the tweeters.
If one of the speakers produces no treble, switch ch1 & ch2 on the two amps.
Finally, power up the 250s, and switch preamp fully left. Check you are getting bass, mid & treble, and that it's coming only from the left speaker. If any of the drivers on the right speaker produce sound you've got a connection wrong. Repeat with balance swung fully right. Note, if you get the connections wrong it is quite possible to get left treble coming out through both speakers!
Best of luck, Martin
Originally posted by M. Brandstetter:
The HiCap second post is then connected
to the snaps
the wiring arrangement for the HiCap has changed over the years. This particular HiCap may nee a different wiring arrangement.
(here i don't know which
socket, but the nearest to the one carrying
the power)
Again, is this bound to b the case?
...If this doesn't help, download the naim manual,
concerning wiring and/or the snaxo manual.
There the correctwiriring is well dokumented.
These manuals only document the current product. Old stuff (certainly some of the chrome-bumper stuff, not sure about early new-look) has different arrangements.
cheers, Martin