What Happens After Phase One?

Posted by: JRHardee on 02 October 2001

I just got a Mana table to replace the Sound Org table under my LP-12. It does just about everything I'd been led to expect from the Mana chat on this site--boomy base gets tamed a bit, more detail, backup instruments emerge from under the soloist. A big improvement, but I'm not sure I'd want to get a Reference Table and quadruple the dose--the treble stops short of being shrill, but vocals and cymbals are more sibilant than I'm used to. I'm wondering if additional phases would push the sound farther in that direction. Would additional phases of Mana be more of the same, or do new things start to happen? At what point does one stop buying additional supports for the TT and think about Mana-ing the rest of the system? The 102 and 250 live on a 3-tier Target stand, and the Karik sits on the Numerik, which sits on a Sound Org table. confused
Posted on: 02 October 2001 by Mick P

I cannot comment on the difference in sound because I have only ever heard a phase 4 which did in all fairness sound pretty good.

The major problem with adding phases, is this becomes the bit when it really starts to look bloody ugly. Make sure the old WAF is sorted out. Women do not like 1980's style oil rigs in the lounge. Dust traps etc......really bad domestic news.


Mick.......admiring his Hutter.

Posted on: 02 October 2001 by JRHardee
A purist might shudder, but my wife attached pieces of black velvet to the back of my stands, covering up the wires and improving the hi fi's WAF considerably. It really does look a lot better without all the wires visible, and the stands blend into the black background, making the living room look a lot less like an oil field. The fabric from the old Sound Org table fits the Mana table, and everyone is happy. cool
Posted on: 02 October 2001 by Mick P

Slap a patent on that idea quick and you could make a fortune.



Posted on: 02 October 2001 by JRHardee
I work at the US Patent Office. I can't patent anything.
Posted on: 03 October 2001 by Naheed
JR - The 'real' beauty of Mana is the Phasing approach , I had similar reservations as you, believing the whole glass/spike combo was bound to lead to an aggressive HF & Vocals. Quite the opposite though in reality.

The LP12 loves Mana, but I believe a holistic approach is the best way - i.e. get all Naim gear, Mana Supports, and Music Works Leads...
The most effective Mana Route is an Amp Rack, then just keep adding SStages - BUT DON'T forget your speakers (what are they ?

Now some ramblings regarding my Mana Experience

* I started with a basic rack (6 Tier), it replaced my Sound Org (snap ehh), suffice to say after the usual first-timer set-up teething troubles, the Mana really left the Sound Org for DEAD (it can be a pain in the arse (at first) but correct set-up is important)...

* Next I went Phase 2 on the main rack and Phase 1 for the Intros -
The difference again was very noticeable, as you mentioned 'more' of the same really, but the Intros responded well to my surprise.

* Next, was Phase 4 to the main rack, and Phase 2 for my SBLs -
This is were it really starts. With Mana there appear to be 'sweet-spots' Phase 4,7,9 (yep, I initially thought it was a plot to sucker you into the rack thing - WRONG) - PHASE FOUR was a revelation rather than becoming bright and forward the sound became smoother and more listenable (weird) everything improved but Bass/Vocals/Detail excelled the most.

* Next, was phases 5, more of the same, then Phase 7 Main Rack and Phase 3 SBLs -
WOW my poor SBLs started really working now (poor buggers got the crap kicked out of em - but made me realise how good a speaker they really are) - 7 (heaven) was another milestone, again significant improvements everywhere, but the whole presentation took on the 'effortless' quality which players like the cdi/cds/cds2 do so right - things just fall into place perfectly - AT THIS POINT I DID'NT UPGRADE FOR MONTHS !!! - The room filled with music, and air around everything - it was audio nirvana.

* Anyway next (Rico's fault), I went Phase 8, and rapidly to Phase 10 !!! - Out of Box Experience, Bass How Low Can you Go, and Relentless PRaT...
What I thought for years were some ambient type transients, have developed to full solid instruments providing that background ambience that makes everything Ooohhhhhhhhh Soooooooooo RIGHT. Vocals are 'life-like' a real there 'she' is type thing, Feels like I've just replaced my 140s with 4 *250s the extra grunt drive, low end end clout is overwhelmingly better, but alas the SBLs are taking some severe PUNSIHMENT.

Where next ??? - nowhere quickly - Phase 10 'will' keep my smiling for some time
Phase 10 is very imposing and I suppose the WAF, GAF factor is important...

The best upgrades I've made in order are Mana, CDi, IXO, SBLs


Posted on: 03 October 2001 by Naheed
You've hit Phase 4 already ??? (cool)


Posted on: 03 October 2001 by Naheed
Jonathan, thx for the invite, would be interesting listening to it, the bass must be awesome ???


Posted on: 03 October 2001 by Steve Toy
Indeed, and I think the earth is getting a bit flatter *round* Old Hampshire as a result! wink

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink