tweaking a CDS2?
Posted by: Uwe Supper on 12 June 2001
not that I am particularly tempted, but reading some other threads I was wondering whether fellow CDS2-owners still feel the urge to tweak their CDS2 -to get the most of it (as they say). Personally speaking I think that the CDS2 is that good that it doesn't need any tweaking (cones, platforms, etc.)
Any comments?
This weekend I moved it, and the results were absolutely astonishing. I can now play it much louder than before, and it sounds better in all respects - especially dynamics (macro and micro).
So I think placement - even of a CDS2 - is likely to effect performance. Perhaps that's a good general rule....
In any case, I simply moved the CD player from the 2nd-from-top-shelf to top-shelf of my 5-tier Target stand, swapping its position with that of my 82.
Since I made at least 2 changes, I can't isolate the effect of either, but I may pay more attention to equipment siting now.
>>>Get a good stand.
Doesn't the performance of a stand (and the equipment on it) depend on the condition of ones floor and the performance of the floor (and room and speaker interaction thereof) has the biggest single influence on sound quality.
That's why Mana do soundstages and Hutter and the Fraim like the dual layer base, to create a hypothetical 'perfect' floor.
i like the sound of that! what properties would a "perfect floor" have?? answers like "dont be scientific" are not allowed
uwe, if you hear of any useful tweaks please let us know...
But as an experiment get a big thick piece of wood, four large ball bearings and cups, stick the balls/cups in the corner, put your equipment stand on the new floor and have a listen. it makes a HUGE difference.
poor man's fraim, or what??
will wait for your full "perfect floor" thesis before i try anything. its a week or so before my cdsii is delivered. things are sounding just fine (in fact bloody marvellous) with the set up as it is right now and i dont feel like upsetting anything. famous last words...