140/72/HiCap upgrade path?
Posted by: Regis on 14 March 2002
I've recently made the 'leap of faith', buying a used pr. of Neat Vitos without an audition. (They were 1000 miles away & no local dealers here in Colorado). To put it simply, I love the Vitos! Leaving out my source components for now, (I don't know if I want to put more $$$ into digital or vinyl upgrades)which component would upgrade my sound more, 72 to 82 or 140 to 250? My original Naim dlr. several states away now says go for the 250, skipping the 180. But what about the 82 pre vs 72, would that give a more 'refinded & detailed' sound vs the added uuummmpppphhh I suspect that the 250 would produce? I guess I just want to put the money where it will produce the best long term value & I can't afford to upgrade both immediately. I'll be selling or trading a pr. of Credos & either the 140 or 72 to swing the deal.
Thanx in advance for any insights....